Researchers at Cornell University discovered that Monarch butterfly caterpillars died when they ate plants dusted with the pollen of Bt corn that was growing in nearby fields, and many scientists worry that with so much insecticide in the corn plants, insects might develop a resistance to it Dyer References Bansal S. Previous scientific research presented evidence that genetically engineering cells could partly repair a defective immune system Travis Tumors that lack any form of association with the wall of the bowel are given special name- extragastrointestinal stromal sarcomas are noted to occur in the mesentery, muscular system essay, omentum and retroperitoneum Miettinen et al. Muscular system essay Strategy.
Work Cited
Overview : The study of comparative anatomy often comes with the need to appreciation the physiological functions of the anatomical structures that we muscular system essay examining. In doing so, we can better understand how variations in anatomical form determine function for chordates. I have included a comparative illustration of three mammalian species below dog, human, and horse. Note that the temporalis and masseter muscles have been identified in each of the illustrations. The temporalis muscular system essay masseter muscles perform an important role in the chewing mastication process of mammals. These muscles not only help with ripping and tearing of food, but they also help with the grinding process at the jaw joint temporomandibular joint. Task : Observe the size and shape of the temporalis and masseter muscles of the mammalian species illustrated below.
Hypothesize why the size, shape, and attachment sites differ between the animals. How do these adaptations assist with the chewing process of each animal? Then, provide supporting evidence to support your hypothesis using scholarly resources, muscular system essay. Muscular System Case Study Overview : The study of comparative anatomy often comes with the need to appreciation the physiological functions of the anatomical structures that we our examining. Length : pages, point font, double-spaced.
attention getters for essays examples
Understanding how the heart operates and functions is essential to help protect your heart from heart disease. Cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease are significant heart related illness that has a high mortality rate. It is important for individuals with pre-existing heart disease to understand the symptoms of cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease, since these are both leading causes of fatality in the United States. Understanding how the heart works, the individuals risk for heart disease, and how to prevent or delay heart disease is essential.
In this paper I will address the relationship between cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease. I will also explain how the heart functions and discuss some ways of preventing cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease. Cardiac Arrest Cardiac…. References Antonini-Canterin et. Association between carotid and coronary artery disease in patients with aortic valve stenosis: an angiographic study. Angiology 60 5 CDC. Heart disease. Coronary artery disease: new insights and their implications for radiology. European Radiology. New imaging techniques for diagnosing coronary artery disease. Canadian Medical Association Journal. Phylum Annelida Annelids are members of the Superphylum Lophotrochozoa.
The division of the Phylum is in three classes Hirudineans leeches , Oligochaetes earthworms and Hirudinean Polychaetes and leeches. They inhibit marine aquatic with Parapodia, like nereis Meglitsch P, They are worm like animals that have muscular body walls that elongate. They are also circular in cross section. The major difference between Phylum Annelida and other worm like creatures is that, they have segmented bodies also known as metameric. Each segment has its own particular function. Phylum Annelida include different types of earthworms, leeches and marine polychaetes.
There are those that live in fresh water, marine also terrestrial. Some of them live as parasites. CITE Meglitsch P , said that Annelids are connected to Molluscs and seem to have arisen from flatworms. References Badea, A. Preliminary studies of quality assessment of aquatic environments from Cluj suburban areas, based on some invertebrates bioindicators and chemical indicators. Meglitsch P. Invertebrate Zoology. Oxford University Press. The work is focused almost exclusively on the Body as a subject. The two figures—God the Father and Adam—represent the majesty of the human anatomy in its ideal form: muscular, flexible, unique, authentic, poised, admirable, beautiful and proportional.
In the painting, God is mostly draped with a thin cloth; Adam is completely nude and his position reclined with one knee propped up while he stretches backwards and reaches forward languidly suggests one of royalty being wakened after a long slumber. Indeed, the idea that Adam is like royalty is one that Michelangelo infuses into the scene giving the painting its high-minded rapturous quality, which is much in…. Aortic dissection is a disease of the wall of the aorta in which the aortic blood bursts into the muscular layer of the great artery, thus forming a blood filled channel along the planes of the muscularis layer.
This false lumen can re-rupture back into the true lumen, through a second distal intimal tear, creating a biluminal or double barrelled aorta. Due to weakened walls, there is threat of rupture into the surrounding tissue with fatal consequences. However, in about five to ten percent of patients, these tears are absent. An intimal tear can occur anywhere along the aorta, although a vast majority of tears are found within ten centimeters of the aortic valve. The dissection may extend towards the heart, affecting the coronary arteries, or it may…. Type an aortic dissection - the silent killer. European Heart Journal, 22 18 , pdf Multum, C. Morphine injection. html Nicholas A. Boon, Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R. Walker, John A. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. India, Elsevier.
living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations between animal and plant kingdom ex, plants take in carbon dioxide and prepare their own food , these characteristics are commonly observed among all living things. iology is a very broad field that encompasses the study of characteristics of living things. It includes botany, zoology and all other sub-disciplines that range from microbiology to evolution and ecology. Evolution is the branch of biology that deals with the study of natural development of living organisms and the changes in them over time.
Evolution refers to the heritable changes that occur in a population over a period of time. All the diversity that is observed currently in plant and animal kingdom can be ascribed to evolution over a long period of time. Atoms are the…. When health and safety is embedded as part of business, results would be, good company image and reputation, better employee motivation and morale, improved efficiency and ultimately increased profitability. The implementation of a sound health, safety and environment HSE …. The blood in which we are traveling in is composed of red blood cells called hemoglobin, plasma, platelets, and white blood cells.
Blood is transported through the body by the heart's pumping action. As we continue, we will enter the hepatic portal vein, which delivers blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, into the ascending aorta, up towards the heart. As we approach the heart, it's pumping will pull us up into its chambers and through to the lungs where we will get oxygen and continue our journey to the kidneys. As we return to the heart, we will pass through the aortic arch and descend through the thoracic aorta continuing past the descending abdominal aorta until we reach the renal artery. We will make a left turn and pass through the glomeruli through the kidney's tubules and conclude this phase of our journey into the left kidney.
Reference List: Thibodeau, G. Structure and Function of the Body. Chicago: Mosby Year Book. This bill was sent to the U. Senate and set for vote mirroring a bill previously passed by the House during the Summer of which failed to pass the Senate because of vehement disagreement that was even "within the parties over the prohibition of therapeutic cloning. National Legislation Concerning Human and Reproductive Cloning, ; paraphrased As of the date of the report on legislation eight U. states had passed laws that explicitly prohibited reproductive cloning using human embryos and another five U.
states have placed a prohibition on cloning for any purpose whatsoever with 22 other U. states introducing bills outlawing the reproductive cloning of humans. Ibid; paraphrased Patenting laws for genetics allow inventors to patent genetics but only specific genetic factors may be patented and inventors are required to: 1 Identify novel genetic sequences; 2 Specify the sequence's product, 3 Specify how the product functions in nature --i. Bibliography O'Connor, Sean M. nd Intellectual Property Rights and Stem Cell Research: Who Owns the Medical Breakthroughs?
nd Overview of Stem Cell Research New England Law Journal Mar Chadwick, Ruth et al. Performance of the Company Annual reports Statements of corporate goals SWOT analysis of United Health Group 9A PESTEL Analysis In this paper, we present a systematic analysis of the United Health Group through a SWOT and PESTEL analysis. The analysis is aimed at the identification of an internal problem within the company's environment and then prescribing a suitable solution to it. The identified problem is poor Ergonomics. This is then explored and then recommendations provided. The creation of a better health care system has been one of the key drivers of change in the American social, economic and political reform agenda. Quality health care to al citizens has been a piped dream for many.
In this paper we presents an analysis of the effectiveness of United Healthcare in the provision of quality health care. Our focus is on its environmental analysis with the aim of isolating the genesis of the…. References Amick, B. The Impact of Two Ergonomic Interventions on Health and Productivity: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study Amick III, BC, Robertson M, DeRango K, et a Effect of office ergonomics intervention on reducing musculoskeletal symptoms. Spine ; The Health Consequences of an Office Ergonomics Training Coupled with an Ergonomically Designed Chair: Preliminary Results. Proceedings of the Conference WWDU World Wide Work - May , - Berchtesgaden pg Bergqvist U.
Int J. Ind Ergon. The following images show certain disorders that result due to mutation. Children born from the same family members' shows higher similarity index regarding the genetic disorder number inclusive of the Indian community Cummings, , pg Curbing gene disorders Stoppage of varying types of disorders is possible through learning in consideration of human development the number of genes contained in a single genome, their respective location and the establishment of functions or roles in the various genetic processes.
This is achievable through strategized genetic mapping, where the establishment of specified genes having same linkage involved. The mapping establishes the respective linkages between genes and as a result of their location in the same gene, the crossing over frequency with the existing distance amid them is notable Cummings, , pg esearch on the various risks factors involved can also be considerable as beneficial. This enables the development of certain preventive…. References Benson, B. Advances in Child Development. London: Academic Press. Bowden, V. Children and Their Families. Atlanta: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Cummings, M. Human Heridity; Principles and Issues. New York: Cengage Learning. Neurotransmitters are chemicals endogenously produced in the body for the purpose of sending stimulus across from one neuron to the other through the synapse.
Neurotransmitters, packaged in synaptic vessels, are clustered beneath the inner membrane of the axon terminal of the presynaptic membrane. The neurotransmitters upon stimulus are released into the synaptic cleft where they diffuse and attach to their particular receptors on the post synaptic membrane. The flow of action potential is the main stimulus to the release of the neurotransmitters. The main function of the neurotransmitters is to excite or inhibit certain kinds of receptors. Thereby the behavioral effect of the neurotransmitters depends on the kinds of receptors on the post synapse. Noradrenaline, an important neurotransmitter is involved in arousal and dopamine controls motor movements and cognition Webster, , p.
Synapse consists of dendrites of one neuron and terminus of the other neuron. No physical connection is…. References Jankovic, J. Parkinson's disease: clinical features and diagnosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry -- Neve, A. The Dopamine Receptors, The Receptors. Edition 2. Webster, R. Neurotransmitters, Drugs and Brain Function. John Wiley and Sons. Houdini Was Able to Modulate His Normal Physiology During His Stunts The objective of this study is to examine how Houdini was able to modulate his normal physiology during his stunts. Harry Houdini caused the world to marvel at his skill in escaping the bondage of handcuffs and was referred to as the 'handcuff king' and as well Houdini performed many other magic tricks that required more than merely illusion but instead required that he be able to alter his own body's physiology.
The modulation of physiology enabled Houdini to accomplish great feats and to capture the imagination and attention of a large base of fans across many years. Houdini is well-known for having spent a great deal of time and effort to invalidate individuals who were so-called mediums communicating with the dead because he detested this type of trickery. Modulation of Physiology The modulation of physiology is similar to…. Bibliography Randi, James My Heroes, The Pale Blue Dot, Houdini's Last Stunt. Online Newsletter of the JREP. html Shermer, Michael Houdini's Skeptical Advice: Just Because Something's Unexplained Doesn't Mean It's Supernatural. Scientific American. nd Breathing and Heart Rate Control. Universal Nutrition. That does not mean that metabolism cannot be controlled to some extent; it can.
Metabolism is loosely defined as the chemical workings within our bodies that help us to maintain a certain level of energy use, calorie burning and general energy even at rest. As we age, our metabolism rate slows down, meaning that we burn less calories and the ones we do burn are burned at a slower rate. It also means that we may have less energy and our overall health slows as well. Bill Sonnemaker, the IDEA Health and Fitness Personal Trainer of the year states that building muscle mass at any age provides a number of….
References American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 5th Ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, pp. html Van Dusen, A. Gastroparesis Digestive System Disorder Case Study: Gastroparesis The paper opens with an introduction and definintion of Gastroparesis and its association to damaging of vagus nerves along the intestines and stomach muscles. This reduces their ability for function properly. People living with diabetes have a higher likelihood of advancing Gastroparesis against sequential Diabetic Gastroparesis.
More persons are contracting Gastroparesis during surgical operations. The paper illustrates that more patients are yet to find a cause linking their illnesses with Gastroparesis because it triggers Idiopathic Gastroparesis. The scope of Gastroparesis has a close link to diseases of connective tissue such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as well as scleroderma. The neurological conditions worsen along Parkinson's disease. The paper concludes with proposals of Gastroparesis diagnosis through tests carried out on gastric emptying scans, x-rays, and manometry.
Clinical Gastroparesis takes the definition of stomach emptying complications. There are beneficial adjustments to insulin dosage among diabetic people who…. References Ellenburg, M. Gastroparesis: Causes, Tests and Treatment Options. New York: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Parkman, H. Gastroparesis: Pathophysiology, Presentation and Treatment. New York: Springer Sethi, A. Bowl Care and Digestive Disorders. The understanding of TMJ anatomy as well as its function is very important to generate stable as well as healthy intercuspation. TMJ consists of condyle, disk, muscles and ligaments. It connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone in the skull in both sides and has two movements osenstiel and Land, The TMJ along with muscles stabilization is the starting point to get the ideal maxilla-mandibular relationship in the centric relation.
There is no way to register and transfer an accurate interocclusal record if patient has TMJ or muscles dysfunction. The patient with this dysfunction should be treated first before final restoration, cementation or construction. The conservative management of unstable joints and muscles via appliance therapy is the most common modality of management Capp and Clayton, References Bansal S. Critical evaluation of various methods of recording centric jaw relation. J of india prosthet society;8 4 Boudrias, P. Anterior Guidance: Some Important Points. Journal dentaire du Quebec Volume 42 Janvier, CP Owen.
Occlusion in complete dentures. pdf Capp N. Technique for evaluation of centric relation tooth contacts. Part II: Following use of an occlusal splint for treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. J Prosthet dent ;54 5 : One of the most common mental disorders linked to Alzheimer's is depression which according to Elwood Cohen manifests itself in three important ways. First, "There are higher rates of depression among Alzheimer's patients than among non-demented adults;" second, "Having a depressive episode is associated with an increased risk for developing Alzheimer's," and third, Depressive symptoms can be confused with dementia in older adults" , In a recent study conducted by the Cardiovascular Health Initiative, based in Washington, D.
Similar results were reported by the Multi-Institutional esearch in Alzheimer's Genetic Epidemiology MIAGE which discovered that "In the year prior to a patient being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the same patient was almost five times more likely than their…. References Cohen, Elwood. Alzheimer's Disease. New York: McGraw-Hill. Coughlin, Patricia B. Facing Alzheimer's. New York: Ballantine Books. Powell, Lenore S. Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishers, Inc. A and Katie Courtice. Researchers at Cornell University discovered that Monarch butterfly caterpillars died when they ate plants dusted with the pollen of Bt corn that was growing in nearby fields, and many scientists worry that with so much insecticide in the corn plants, insects might develop a resistance to it Dyer These fears and concerns are echoed by Francis Fukuyama who believes that genetic enhancement will undermine the system of human rights by disrupting the boundary that encloses all humans in a single group, thus believes society should limit genetic science to allow therapy but prohibit enhancement, such as genetically altered food crops, and non-therapeutic procedures Tobey In other words, enhancement will allow society to increase genotypic and phenotypic diversity, yet such diversity will press society to the point of losing its shared humanity Tobey orks Cited Adams, endy a.
Reconciling private benefit and public risk in…. Welsh, Whitney. Brave new worlds: philosophy, politics, and science in human biotechnology. Population and Development Review. It includes some twenty references. As simple as it may seem, this process is more than just moving down a hollow tube. To understand this more deeply, let's begin our journey! EVIEW OF THE VIDEO TAPE: Being reduced to eight microns in a hamburger holds the possibility of being chewed, grinded and dissolved in gastric acid. Even though I used special shield defenses, the slight possibility can still be a scary thought. Despite the risk, I felt motivated enough to allow myself to be amazed by the human body. In about a moment, I was in the mouth of a year-old man.
Mixed with me, were fries, meat, lettuce, cheese, burgers and bear. Staying away from the teeth…. Ganong's review of medical physiology. Philadelphia: McGraw Hill. Hansen, J. Netter's atlas of human physiology. J: Icon Learning Systems. Kumar, V. Leonard, R. Dynamic swallow studies: Measurement techniques. San Diego: Plural Publishing. Therapeutic Massage on Elderly, Grieving Widows The prosperity of a country is in accordance with its treatment of the aged," states an ancient Jewish Proverb "Massage for the Mature Adult," This is an honorable and true statement.
Too often many of our elderly people's needs are not noticed or attended to by family, friends, or medical practitioners. This is especially true for older women whose husbands have died. The death of a spouse or partner has been described as the most disruptive and difficult role transition that an individual confronts throughout the life course Lopata, Houdin states that "although the literature abounds with subjective pieces concerning bereavement, little…. Bibliography for Chapters One and Two Barry, Kasl, and Prigerson Tran, Turvey, Parkes, Janice Strubbe. Evolutionay Undestanding of Physical Attaction and Mate Selection Item Page Financial stability Physical attactiveness Fequency Statistics Oveall Analysis of Pefeences Effect Factos Influencing Mate Choices Financial stability Physical attactiveness Evolutionay Undestanding of Physical Attaction and Mate Selection What factos would usually dive a peson to pefe one peson as a mate, to anothe?
Ae thee any obsevable diffeences between the mate selection stategies employed by men, and those employed by women? A numbe of theoies have been put fowad to povide answes to these questions. Buss and Banes , while making specific efeence to the Evolutionay Theoy, posit that the qualities women look fo in a potential mate diffe consideably fom those that men look fo. These diffeences, they suggest, manly accue fom the biological systemic diffeences between men and women, as well as the common belief that women age faste than men.
Women's fetility has been obseved to decease…. references influence your mate choices. Your cooperation is well appreciated. Thank you. What is your gender? Please circle one GENDER a. Tai Chi is a series of postures and exercises developed in China as a system of self-defense and as an aid to meditation. It focuses on graceful movements that resemble a slow-moving dance routine combined with deep breathing throughout the routine. The result is a moving meditation that nourishes and balances both the body and mind. Research studies of the benefits of tai chi show a significant decrease in the incidence of stroke and stroke mortality, as well as an increase in bone density. Studies also show a decrease in blood pressure in hypertension patients and an increased sense of well-being.
Because of the low heart rate routines, tai chi offers a safe alternative to aerobic type exercises for those prone to cardiovascular disease. Tai Chi strengthens the joint musculature and increases the range of motion and flexibilty. Although a weight-bearing exercise it allows stimulation of bone growth without the…. Art is something that can be appreciated in several ways. Thanks to the various museums cities have to offer, one can visit numerous places and see exhibitions from various artists. Two such places are the David Zwirner Galley and The Guggenheim. Both places have introduced audiences to interesting and thought-provoking works of art. Four of which will be featured here. The artists of the four works are Robert Crumb and Paul Cezanne.
David Zwirner Gallery is a modern art gallery located in New York City, offering another location in London. Owned by David Zwirner it features of collections of artists like Robert Crumb. The R. Lined up in a stark, white room, these black and white…. Works Cited Guggenheim, "Still Life: Plate of Peaches. Practical esearch Finding Implementation and Experimentation Stage -- Phase I The experimenter did not set out to determine specifically which of the various contributing factors or combinations of factors identified by the empirical research of medial tibial stress syndrome was most responsible for the experimenter's symptoms. However, since the initial attempts to resolve the symptoms incorporated changes to all of the external variables except a change in running surface, the experimenter immediately sought a softer running surface and temporarily abandoned running on any hard surface that magnified instead of minimized the physiological trauma associated with running on harder surfaces.
Because the empirical research also implicated poor running stride mechanics and excessive vertical elevation, the experimenter devoted considerable attention to making the following specific changes to the running stride: 1 shorter strides to minimize travel of the body while neither foot is in contact with the running surface; 2 conscious attempts…. References AOS. Shin Splints. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Braver, R. Repetitive Motion Injuries can be prevented through a proper workplace setup. Once a worker makes these adjustments to the work area, it is possible to feel more natural about working and be more productive.
Suggested minutes break away from the computer for every hour on the computer. The longer the handle, the more force it takes to use and lift that tool. Position oneself so…. Epidemiology Liegl-tzwanger, Fletcher and Fletcher pointed out that the exact incidences of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the United States and Europe is not easy to determine. This is attributed to the fact that GISTs got proper recognition as well as diagnosis from the late s. Studies carried out in Iceland Tryggvason et al. Incidences if GISTs have been shown to be higher as a result of the fact that most patients live with it for several years and it gets detected only during gastrectomy or autopsy all of which are usually performed for other reasond.
study by gaimy et al. These small GISTs…. This discovery is associated with the progression of the malignant GIST Fukasawa et al. There are however some losses that are less frequent on the chromosomes 9q,17q,1p and 11p. Gains are however noted on chromosomes 17q and 8q all of which have a strong association with malignant behavior El-Rifai et al. Clinical features Extant literature has been dedicated to the study of the clinical features of GISTs. GISTs are mentioned by Liegl-Atzwanger, Fletcher and Fletcher to occur in almost every part of the GI tract. GISTs are rarely seen in the appendix and esophagus Miettinen et al.
Tumors that lack any form of association with the wall of the bowel are given special name- extragastrointestinal stromal sarcomas are noted to occur in the mesentery, omentum and retroperitoneum Miettinen et al. The clinical symptoms that are associated with GIST are abdominal pain, dysphagia, obstruction, fatigue and satiety. It has been noted that patients may be presented with chronic bleeding to from their GI Causes anemia. The patient may also present acute bleeding to GI as a consequence of the erosion via the gastric or the bowel mucosa. There could also be a rupture into the patient's abdominal cavity thus causing a life-threatening condition called intraperitoneal hemorrhage.
Nilsson et al. In the third trimester of pregnancy, caution must be taken concerning congestive heart failure, hypertension and decreased renal and hepatic function, interstitial nephritis, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and renal papillary necrosis, anticoagulation abnormalities, leucopenia, granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. The use of Celecoxib is aimed primarily at suppressing pain and inflammatory stimuli, but it may contribute to NSAID gastrointestinal toxicity. The lowest possible dose of celecoxib should be prescribed and taken. On the whole, NSAIDs can mask the usual signs of infection, therefore, caution must be taken in the presence of existing controlled infection.
The physician should investigate symptoms and signs, which suggest liver dysfunction or abnormal liver lab results. On September 30, , Merck and Company voluntarily withdrew rofecoxib from the American and world markets because of its association with an increase in cardiovascular incidence Keldaya A major Food and Drug Administration study linked the medication to a three-fold rise in the…. Bibliography Avicena. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome. Disease Targets. Avicena Group. com, Inc. ht National Center for Biotechnology Information Genes and Diseases.
National Library of Medicine. Learning About Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. National Institutes of Health. flexibility training has to offer in everyday life of people by helping them to function more effectively. Moreover I shall discuss constructing a class specifically for this kind of training and also shed some light on the ways music can help motivate and improve the performance of the people undergoing the flexibility training. Flexibility varies from person to person depending on his age, gender, body temperature and the type of joint to be moved.
Corbin, C. In addition to all this it decreases severity due to injury, delays the onset of muscular…. References: 1 Bach, B. M- Article Title: A comparison of muscular tightness in runners and non-runners and the relation of muscular tightness to low back pain in runners. Publication Year: Journal Title: Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. Volume: 6. Journal Title: The Journal of Physical Education and Recreation. Volume: Page Numbers: , Posted on: These researchers investigated skeletal muscle adaptations in response to acclimatization at high altitude. Samples of muscle extracted before reaching high altitude and after returning to sea-level showed that maximal activities of enzymes, such as those representative of beta-oxidation, were unchanged. However, after exposure to extremely high altitude hypoxic conditions, reductions were observed in succinic dehydrogenase, citrate synthetase and hexokinase.
The findings of this study did not support the researchers' hypothesis that extremely hypoxic conditions elicit changes that are adaptive toward maximizing oxidative function at the intracellular level Green et al. eference Donoghue, S. Green, H. Reference Donoghue, S. Hoppeler, H. Diathermy: Uses, Benefits, And isks As one of the oldest treatment modalites, the therapeutic effects of heat have been experienced for several hundred years. In order to use heat in the treatment of deep muscle injury, diathermy treatment is the therapy of choice.
Diathermy uses high-frequency electrical currents to heat deep muscular tissues. This heating results in pain relief, increased blood flow, and increased flexibility. esearch has demonstrated evidence both for and against the effectiveness of diathermy treatment. Attention must be given, however, to risk factors predisposing some patients to serious adverse effects due to diathermy treatment. Diathermy: Uses, benefits, and risks Diathermy refers to the use of high-frequency electrical currents to heat deep muscular tissues. This heat increases the flow of blood to the area, which in turn, speeds up recovery. The term diathermy is a derivative of the Greek words therma, meaning heat, and dia, meaning through. References Frick, L.
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Peres, S. Pulsed shortwave diathermy and prolonged long-duration stretching increase dorsiflexion range of motion more than identical stretching without diathermy. Journal of Athletic Training, 37 1 , Draper, D. The carry-over effects of diathermy and stretching in developing hamstring flexibility. Employers can develop programs in ergonomics, the process of adapting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of workers, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonprescription pain relievers, may ease symptoms that have been present for a short time or have been caused by strenuous….
asp Zieve, D. Carpal tunnel syndrome. National Center for Biotechnology Information. On the hand, some plans may be slow to respond to the pilot's commands; complicating the piloting process, much like a sports car, for example, that under steers or a truck that over steers Personal Communication, Bay contends that training on more than one plane of a particular model would prove to be a positive practice for airlines to implement. Bay asserts that the following questions need to be answered regarding the cause of the crash of Flight Did a matter of pilot fatigue play a part in the incident? Could alcohol have been a factor in the pilot's inability to "do the right thing"?
Were there any known defects with the plane? Did any type mechanical malfunction occur? On what date was…. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved February 13, from www. pdf Baron, R. The Cockpit, the Cabin, and Social Psychology. Airline Safety. htm Black, H. Black's Law Dictionary West Publishing: St. Paul, MN. The lip and palate grow independently, so it is feasible for an infant to be conceived with just a cleft lip, or just a cleft palate, or a blend of both. When there is a gap or opening reaching out from the lip as far as up as the nose then it is a complete cleft lip.
In some cases, some tissue stays underneath the nose, leaving a piece of the lip joined beneath the nose - this is referred to as an incomplete cleft lip. References Dixon, M. Cleft lip and palate: understanding genetic and environmental influences. Nature Revies Genetics, 12, Mendoza, M. Anatomical closure technique of the nasal floor for patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. J Plast Surg Hand Surg, 47, Nyberg, J. Speech outcomes at age 5 and 10 years in unilateral cleft lip and palate after one-stage palatal repair with minimal incision technique - A longitudinal perspective. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Paniagua, L. Velopharyngeal dysfunction: a systematic review of major instrumental and auditory-perceptual assessments.
Otorhinolaryngol, 17 3 , Physiological Effects of Endurance Training Endurance training produces many physiological changes, both during training and after the training period is complete. These changes are biochemical and also involve changes in the cardio-pulmonary system. The correct way to perform endurance training has been a subject of controversy in recent years. There are many differences in training methods. These differences and the effects of endurance training will be the subject of this research. The jury is still out as to what constitutes the perfect duration and intensity of training program. The body makes many metabolic adaptations as well. These adaptations drop rapidly in the first few weeks after training is stopped 1.
Duration and Intensity of Different…. References 1. Acevedo EO, Goldfarb AH. Increased training intensity effects on plasma lactate, ventilatory threshold, and endurance. Med and Sci in Sports Exercise, 21 , , 2. Finn, C, Effects of High-Intensity Intermittent Training on Endurance Performance. Sportscience 5 1 , sport sci. Foss M. Fox's Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport. WCB Boston, Mass. Hawley JA, Myburgh KH, Noakes TD, and Dennis, SC. Training Techniques To Improve Fatigue Resistance And Enhance Endurance Performance.
Jour of Sports Sci, 15 , , Fibromyalgia One might consider fibromyalgia to be one of the most confounding conditions around today. It is debilitating. It results in several quality of life issues. The confounding aspect of this condition is that it is difficult to diagnose. It is also difficult to treat. Most treatment modalities today recourse to treating one or more specific symptoms -- but there is no treatment that can comprehensively treat all the symptoms. NIAMS, More holistic treatment modes however, are being researched, explored and considered.
Fibromyalgia often presents symptoms of other diseases. Essentially therefore, fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain that cannot be localized to any part of the body. It is also associated with fatigue and other specific though not necessarily widespread symptoms that will be discussed later in this work. Fibromyalgia syndrome is often referred to in its abbreviation FMS. Some of the symptoms though not all enjoy significant overlap…. Bibliography Adiguzel, O. The possible effect of clinical recovery on regional cerebral blood flow deficits in fibromyalgia: a prospective study with semiquantitative SPECT.
South Med J, 97, 7, Baldry, P. The muscular system is attached to the skeletal one, constituting the locomotor, or musculoskeletal, system Kisia The number of muscles that it includes exceeds , yet the existing classification system allows identifying the key ones Kisia As a rule, three types of muscles are typically identified:. Also known as the smooth tissue, the said type of muscles is typically associated with the internal organs, in general, and the ones located in the abdominal cavity, in particular Kisia Visceral muscles are also known as smooth because of their uniform structure and involuntary because it is controlled unconsciously by the human brain Kisia The cardiac muscles are located only in the heart and serve to sustain the blood flow Kisia The muscle is controlled intrinsically, which is why it is traditionally defined as autorhythmic Kisia The identified type of muscle is the only one in the musculoskeletal system that is controlled on a conscious level by the human brain Kisia The tendon that connects the muscle to a bone allows for the contraction of the former and, therefore, the movement of the body.
The examples of a skeletal muscle include the biceps brachii, the triceps brachii, the anconeus, etc. Kisia As the definition provided above shows, the movement of the body is the primary function of the muscular system. Furthermore, stability and posture should be mentioned among the characteristics of the human body that the muscular system sustains. However, the identified function of the muscular system is not the only one. Additionally, the system serves as the means of maintaining posture and allows for blood circulation Muscolino In other words, while the system is typically associated primarily with lifting a weight, it allows performing a variety of movements as well, not to mention the fact that it helps sustain blood flow.
The identified function is performed by the cardiac muscles. Furthermore, the support of the digestive system can be considered an essential function of the musculoskeletal one. The smooth muscle, which constitutes a range of organs in the digestive system, lines the walls of the stomach. Consequently, when the muscle contracts, the digestive process occurs. Additionally, the system is also known for helping the human body to produce heat. The identified phenomenon occurs after a movement takes place, therefore, making it possible for the body to function. The production of heat is especially important in the low-temperature environment. Thus, the blood circulation is kept at the required rate even in the cold environment. Traditionally, when considering muscular diseases, one mentions inflammatory myopathies as the most common type of muscular disease.
The identified condition triggers the weakening of the muscles. Dermatomyositis, which also implies that muscles should experience inflammation, is followed by a skin rash. Finally, muscular dystrophies should be listed among common muscular disorders Kisia Muscolino, Joseph E.
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