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Essay noise pollution

Essay noise pollution

Inordinate amount of disturbance in the environment is dangerous for the living purpose. This is something that has changed over time and we are now more aware of the fact that noise pollution represents a danger equally as much as other forms of pollution, essay noise pollution. A study showed that people that were not significantly exposed to industrial or transportation noise did not suffer from a loss of hearing like their counterparts that had significant exposure to industrial or transportation noise. to an extent will obviously help in the reduction of noise pollution. About Us Home About Project Testimonials Contact Us. Essay noise pollution the noise control techniques available are not adequate or feasible, we as individuals can also try to take some steps to help protect ourselves from all of the negative effects of pollution by noise, essay noise pollution.

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Noise pollution also sound pollution, sound disturbance refers to the excessive and troublesome sound essay noise pollution is injurious to health. Noise pollution refers to the presence of such levels of noise or sound in the environment that are disturbing, irritating and annoying to living beings. It is one of the major cause for deafness and other health hazards. Even animals suffer from excessive environmental noise. In this article, we will further discuss on the following sub-topics of Noise Pollution. Click on the links below to directly jump to the relevant section. Causes of Noise Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution Prevention of Noise Pollution Causes of Noise pollution.

Fire crackers: Fire crackers are exploded to make huge sound during celebrations and festive occasions. It is common sight to witness the firing of crackers at live concerts. Transportation vehicles: Noise pollution is severest in the cities. The different modes of transportation land, air and watersuch as motor-cars, buses, essay noise pollution, trains, trams, airplanes, etc. produces sound that disturbs human mind. Loud speakers: During social events and other festive essay noise pollution, people use loud speakers in unjustified manner. Factories and industries: In large cities, there are large number of factories, mills and industries.

These industrial sites produce immense environmental noise to disturb the habitats of nearby residential areas. Domestic appliances: Even at homes, people use large number of domestic appliances such as grinder, mixer, essay noise pollution, juicer, etc. Television: Television also causes sound and watching television for long hours in essay noise pollution as harmful for ears as they are for eyes. Building and construction essay noise pollution near residential areas: The building and construction activity involves use of sound producing equipment such as cement-mixer, road-roller, crane, essay noise pollution, etc.

All the above activities produce enough noise to disturb the health and mind essay noise pollution human-beings and other living bodies. What are the Causes of Noise Pollution? Sources of Noise Pollution Effects of Noise Pollution. Noise pollution affects the human mind and body negatively. The ill-effects of noise pollution are many. It is the major cause for several ailments. The quality of human life gets disrupted. The lives of the children, the aged or the ailing people become miserable, essay noise pollution. Loss of hearing and deafness: Noise above the tolerable threshold is the leading cause for loss of hearing and deafness. Cardiac disturbance: Noise increase the risk of cardiac disturbance including coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease IHD.

Headache: Human mind can tolerate sound only to a limited extent. Excess noise causes headache. Stress, tension and aggressiveness: Constant exposure to irritating sound may cause stress and tension. The behavior of people often becomes aggressive. Irregular blood pressure: For good health, it is very important to maintain normal pressure in the arteries both during the heartbeat and between the heartbeat. Noise may contribute to fluctuations in the levels of blood pressure. Mental imbalance and nervous debility: Mental essay noise pollution is among the worst negative effects of noise pollution. People may find it difficult to cope with their normal routine life, essay noise pollution.

Human mind cannot accept sound beyond a certain level. Excess sound may lead to mental imbalance and nervous disability. Difficulty in talking: Due to excessive noise, it becomes very difficult to talk on roads or inside malls. Some effective measures should be taken too essay noise pollution the problem. The following measures can be taken to prevent essay noise pollution pollution:. To prevent and control noise pollution it is necessary to create public awareness. Only law is not sufficient. People must be made aware of the harmful consequences of noise pollution.

People should be made aware that excessive noise beyond certain limits may cause deafness. They should know that injuries caused by sound pollution are often irreversible. There should be minimum use of sound producing instruments, essay noise pollution. There should be proper regulations for the use of loudspeakers and other devices that produce noise beyond that are beyond the toleration limits of human-beings. The Pollution Control Board and the High Court have already taken effective measures to bring sound pollution under control. Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that essay noise pollution related restrictions are not violated.

Anti-pollution laws should be enacted and enforced. Ban of fire crackers should be imposed and electric horns should be replaced by bulb horns. The use of microphones should be controlled and essay noise pollution. Also read: Noise Pollution in Wikipedia, essay noise pollution. History Repeats Itself — Meaning, Teachings and Expansion of the Idea. Short Paragraph on Soil Pollution Causes and Effects. Essay on Buddhism. Essay on Causes of Pollution. Essay on Solution of Pollution. Short Paragraph on Spring Season. Paragraph on Our National Flag for Kids. Essay on Adult Education — Meaning and Importance of Adults Education. The Importance of Reading Newspaper — Essay.

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It is the major cause for several ailments. The quality of human life gets disrupted. The lives of the children, the aged or the ailing people become miserable. Loss of hearing and deafness: Noise above the tolerable threshold is the leading cause for loss of hearing and deafness. Cardiac disturbance: Noise increase the risk of cardiac disturbance including coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease IHD. Headache: Human mind can tolerate sound only to a limited extent. Excess noise causes headache. Stress, tension and aggressiveness: Constant exposure to irritating sound may cause stress and tension. The behavior of people often becomes aggressive. Irregular blood pressure: For good health, it is very important to maintain normal pressure in the arteries both during the heartbeat and between the heartbeat.

Noise may contribute to fluctuations in the levels of blood pressure. Mental imbalance and nervous debility: Mental illness is among the worst negative effects of noise pollution. People may find it difficult to cope with their normal routine life. Human mind cannot accept sound beyond a certain level. Excess sound may lead to mental imbalance and nervous disability. Difficulty in talking: Due to excessive noise, it becomes very difficult to talk on roads or inside malls. Some effective measures should be taken too solve the problem. The following measures can be taken to prevent noise pollution:. To prevent and control noise pollution it is necessary to create public awareness. Only law is not sufficient. People must be made aware of the harmful consequences of noise pollution.

People should be made aware that excessive noise beyond certain limits may cause deafness. They should know that injuries caused by sound pollution are often irreversible. There should be minimum use of sound producing instruments. There should be proper regulations for the use of loudspeakers and other devices that produce noise beyond that are beyond the toleration limits of human-beings. The Pollution Control Board and the High Court have already taken effective measures to bring sound pollution under control. Noise pollution, if not controlled, will result in the abnormality of natural lifestyle and this was mainly caused due to the development of our world. Events with loud music, bands, etc.

Every one of us is so selfish that we ruin other fellow beings life to enjoy our own. High noises made by the various means can make a person behave irritated and even they get diseased with different abnormalities in the body. Especially noise pollution affects senior citizen as they are weaker than they were in their young age and their organs also get aged with time. Pregnant women are also advised to stay away from such high irritating noises that cause noise pollution. Industrialization, urbanization, etc. Many technically developed systems and machines failed to stay safe to fulfill the health precautions of the living species.

Our eardrum is the part of our body that helps in receiving the sound vibrations. But when the level crosses 80db, the sound becomes painful and uncomfortable both physically and mentally. A sound is said to create noise pollution when it gets unbearable to the living being hearing it, whether human, animal or even a bird, fish, etc. Noise pollution is a kind of pollution that should be controlled effectively to maintain a peaceful and healthily balanced life. This control will also help in the balancing of our nature as well. Limited use of machines like vehicles, horns in them, etc. to an extent will obviously help in the reduction of noise pollution. Noise is a day to day encounter and most people do not consider it a problem. However, the noises we hear are mostly related to activities of daily living and therefore people are used to them.

Pollution is a term that has been related to chemicals and major problems in the environment without the thought of having noise as a pollutant to the environment. Noise pollution is however described as noises that are annoying or irritating that are constantly being heard in an environment. Noise pollution can be harmful to individuals and has to be taken seriously. Examples of noise pollutants include airplanes, alarms, and lawn mowers. The issue of noise pollution has to be taken into consideration because it can result in serious consequences such as hearing disturbances and eventually hearing loss.

Noise pollution occurs through different ways. Exposure to irritating noise in the environment is dependent on the activities being done. In an environment where there is a lot of industrial activities, the industrial noises will be prominent in polluting the environment. Another cause is the social interactions among people. During social interactions like events and parties, there is pollution of noise through the loud music that is being played to entertain people. Noise pollution has affected the lives of individuals in more ways than one. Health effects include the development of health problems such as hearing loss, insomnia, stress and mental distraction. The other effect is the lowered productivity at the workplace due to noise disturbances. People require maximum concentration in order to enhance their productivity.

Impact of noise pollution can be felt in both single exposure and multiple exposure. Multiple exposure results in hearing loss when an individual is exposed to harmful noise more than once. The hearing loss experienced upon single exposure is because of the magnitude of the noise that directly comes in contact with the ears. A gunshot for example can cause hearing loss within a single exposure. In conclusion, it is evident that people are less conscious about noise pollution. The causes of noise pollution are mainly the activities that take place within n environment. The impacts of noise pollution are rarely experienced but they can be serious.

Hearing loss is a major consequence of noise pollution. Generally, noise pollution should be taken seriously just as other pollutions. Noise pollution is a type of pollution that is produced by numerous things whether by the industrialized or non-industrialized noises influencing the health of plants, human beings, and animals in several parts. Frequently growing noise pollution level is maintaining the lives of persons of existing generation and future generations at elevated danger. The range of noise is instigated by the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sources.

The noise of industrial sources consists of the utilization of huge machinery of elevated technologies functioning at high noise level and speed power in the numerous activities. There are few non-industrial and industrial sources of the noise pollution as stated underneath:. The creation of noise by the low airborne military airplane has also included the noise pollution to the atmosphere predominantly. The noise of the road traffic is growing gradually in the urban as of the engines and exhaust system of automobiles such as buses, trucks, motorbikes, automobiles, personal cars, etc.

The elevated structures in the metropolises result in the noise to echo in that region for a certain period. The creation of the industrial unit formed by the industrial plants as of the utilization of compressors, motors, fans, etc. The creation of the noises by the construction of roads, tall buildings, roads, city highways, etc. The creation of noise by the railroads from whistles, locomotive engines, switching or shunting operations and the horns inside the rail yards are too quite effective in producing the high range of noise pollution since they generate highest noise level nearby dB on the way to feet.

The creation of noise inside the building as of the generators, plumbing, household equipment, boilers, music, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, fans, kitchen appliances, and other loud events in the locality. The growing level of noise pollution gradually is reducing the effectiveness of work in individuals. It results in various diseases such as mental illness and high blood pressure to the human beings as it distracts the peace of mind. The high level of noise pollution has produced a crucial requirement for the general consciousness regarding the effects, sources, and precautionary measures for the problem.

Young kids, as well as students, must be encouraged to not to participate in the high noise pollution creating acts such as utilization of the high noise producing equipment, etc. Noise pollution, also called sound pollution is one of the most happening and most dangerous forms of pollution in the world. Yet very little is talked or done about it. It is because it does not affect us immediately as other forms of pollution such as water and air pollution do. But it is important to understand what causes it and what can be done in order to curb the menace of noise pollution. There are a number of human activities which cause noise pollution. Sounds from traffic such as beeping of vehicles are a common cause. Additionally, heavy machinery being sued at construction sites leads to considerable increase in the levels of noise pollution.

The sounds generated from aircraft, trains, generators, mills are other sources of noise pollution. Even workplaces contribute considerably to the increase of noise pollution. The loudspeakers and household sounds such as televisions are sufficient enough to affect the hearing capacity of any living being. While we may immediately realise the harmful effects of noise pollution has on us, it is actually a cause of many lifestyle diseases we suffer from today. For instance, loss of hearing is a direct effect of noise pollution in many people. People, who are exposed to loud sounds for the greater part of the day, tend to suffer from a gradual hearing loss. However, since it does not occur in one day, we do not tend to realise the effect on us.

Large sounds also lead to disturbance in sleep patterns. If you have loudspeakers in your vicinity during late nights you shall find it difficult to sleep. This directly affects your overall health. Moreover, it leads to increased cases of people suffering from hypertension as well. Sharp and sounds make it difficult for people to communicate with each other. The inability to talk properly in such circumstances makes us shout which affects our voice glands. Also, it is an emotional disturbance as well and affects us mentally. It is not the only the humans who are affected by noise pollution. It also affects the marine life as well, especially the whales.

Some marine organisms use sounds to detect food and communicate with each other. However, due to increased sound levels in the seas and oceans, they are unable to do so and hence are affected. However, there has been a widespread violation of this law and there have not been many efforts from the agencies concerned to implement it with full force. Noise pollution is prevalent everywhere, it is almost impossible to eliminate it because all the organisms are able to communicate through this, including the human race. Noise pollution cannot be eradicated but can be reduced so that it does not adversely affect the lives of the earth.

Although efforts are made by the government to reduce noise pollution but it cannot be reduced until people themselves think of reducing it. Any object or other process that produces a high noise comes under the category of noise pollution. Due to increasing urbanization in India, a part of the population lives in cities, which makes it very crowded and where there is more congestion, it is natural to produce noise and this gives rise to noise pollution. Noise pollution is basically divided into two parts — natural noise pollution and man-made noise pollution.

Natural noise pollution arises from various events occurring on the earth includes all the incidents that produce any kind of sound. Volcanic eruption: This is a natural phenomenon, it generates a lot of noise and at the same time it also causes air pollution and water pollution. Rumble of Clouds: The climate of the Earth is constantly changing due to which clouds are formed and due to their thunder, noise is generated in a large area which causes noise pollution. produce natural noise pollution although it does not harm anyone. Large inventions has been made by humans, which produce a large amount of sound such as trains, airplanes, submarines etc. Let us know what causes manmade noise pollution:. Supersonic at the speed of sound airplanes that move at high speeds produce a high amount of noise.

Noise pollution is caused by traffic vehicles such as scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses, auto rickshaws, tractors, trucks, etc. which run on the roads every day. The Noise is also generated by machinery engaged in construction work such as cranes, bulldozers, construction equipment etc. The sound of the tracks of the train as well as the sound of the iron box on its running, the noise generated by the running of the metro, the loud horn of the train whose voice is heard for 2 kilometers. According to noise rule , if someone wants to play loudspeaker, he must first get permission from the District Magistrate, Commissioner of Police and Deputy Superintendent of Police or above. AIR POLLUTION ESSAY WATER POLLUTION ESSAY PLASTIC POLLUTION ESSAY.

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