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Essay against animal testing

Essay against animal testing

Evidently, almost all drugs currently used in the world at one point passed through animal testing to unveil their viability, safety, efficacy, essay against animal testing, toxicity levels, and other viable provisions demanded in this context. The need for more investigations and application of animal testing will continue to exist following its viability, applicability, and reliability in the aspects of research. Animal Testing- Argumentative. The essay against animal testing of unreliability of experiments could actually make the outcomes of experiments dangerous for human beings if results are over exaggerated and misconstrued. He picked up his pen again and began making further notes.

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There is a growing movement of health professionals, including doctors and scientists, and citizens who are against animal testing for specific medical and scientific reasons. There is a predominant perception in our society of the need to experiment with animals to develop vaccines, remedies and treatments for human diseases. Proponents ask what will happen to research on AIDS, cancer and heart disease, for example, if animal research is completely finished. Will the progress in the development of treatments and remedies for these diseases also end? There is a growing movement of health professionals, including doctors and scientists, and educated citizens who are against animal testing for specifically medical and scientific reasons.

They claim that research with animals is based on a false idea: that the results obtained from non-human animals can be applied to the human body. The reactions of animals to drugs, vaccines and experiments not only differ from those of humans, but differ from species to species. Not taking into account this profound difference has been and still is very costly for human health. The most infamous example of the dangers of animal experiments is the tragedy of Thalidomide from the 60s and 70s. Thalidomide appeared on the market at the end of the 50s in Germany, after tests on thousands of animals to check your safety. It was sold as a sedative for pregnant or lactating women with the guarantee that it did not hurt either the mother or the baby.

But despite safety testing, at least 10, children of mothers who took Thalidomide were born with severe deformities. I do not know of any instance of an animal experiment that was necessary for the patient. Advance of medical science, much less essay against animal testing experiment with animals that may be necessary to save a human life. Fergie Woods, M. The drug, manufactured in the 70s, was sold as a safe remedy for diarrhea. Clioquinol not only did not work against diarrhea, essay against animal testing, as promised to patients, but actually accentuated the symptoms. Are these two examples simply isolated cases? Although the pharmaceutics products are tested routinely in animals, the Journal of the American Medical Association ensures thatpatients per year die from prescription drugs and that more than two million are hospitalized with very serious complications from them.

The British Medical Journal revealed that four out of ten patients who take a prescribed medication will suffer noticeable or severe side essay against animal testing. In addition, numerous clinical observers agree that the incidence of iatrogenesis the disease caused by doctors is so prevalent essay against animal testing approximately one in ten hospital beds is occupied by a patient ill by his doctor. And the important advances in human health derived from research with animals? The research industry cites many examples of treatments and remedies discovered thanks to animals.

He argues that if the investigation with animals were suspended, it would be at the expense of health and human life. Industry groups, for example the Americans for Medical Progress, attribute to animal experimentation advances such as the development of the polio vaccine, anesthesia and the discovery of insulin, essay against animal testing, among others, essay against animal testing. But a scrutiny of medical history clearly refutes these claims. Two researchers, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin, are credited with developing vaccines to fight polio. There is still a dispute in the medical industry about the way in which the development of the vaccine occurred and even about its role in the conquest of the virus.

John Enders, Dr. Thomas H, essay against animal testing. Weller and Dr. Frederick C. Robbins won the Nobel Prize in for having proven for the first time that it is possible to grow the polio virus in the laboratory in human tissue cultures. These investigators stopped just before creating the vaccine that was used by the public. At that time nobody knew that the viruses present in the kidneys of monkeys cause cancer in humans. According to the against animal testing essay, the claim that the polio vaccine was developed through the use of animal research is misleading, essay against animal testing. In addition, the effect of vaccines is doubtful and there is ample evidence of their harmful effects.

Many historians believe that the decline in polio, as in many other epidemics of the past, was due to factors such as better hygiene and not vaccination. Pietro Croce, M. In the mid-nineteenth century, a popular form of entertainment was the inhalation of ether. Long saw that after inhaling it, the individual seemed invulnerable to pain, and took advantage of this observation by inventing a practical use in surgery. So the discovery of anesthesia, like many other discoveries, resulted from the critical observation of human beings. However, in Thomas Crawley had established the relationship between damage to the pancreas and diabetes through autopsies in diabetics. Later, Dr. Later, inand thanks to this essay against animal testing, Frederick Banting created the first extract that contained insulin.

Animal research has no effect in the fight against cancer. In line with against animal testing quotes, it is diverting resources from effective research and from the most obvious solution: prevention. Clinical observation and epidemiological studies show that the main causes of cancer are high-fat diets, tobacco, environmental pollution and other lifestyle factors. Irwin Bross, essay against animal testing, director of Roswell Park Memorial. Animals are not good models of human cancer for several fundamental reasons. Animals and humans do not suffer from the same diseases.

Animal research focuses essay against animal testing the artificial induction of human cancer symptoms to then try to cure those symptoms. Experimental drugs and treatments identified as effective in animal models will not necessarily work in humans. Moneim A. Having spent billions of dollars, countless animals, and more than thirty years in the war on cancer, we should have results if the animal research were valid. On the contrary, the incidence of cancer continues to rise. The progress that has essay against animal testing made in the study of AIDS has come from clinical studies and in vitro studies of cell essay against animal testing. However, animal models are still used, even though animals do not develop the human virus.

Obviously, to achieve medical progress, in line with against animal testing articles newspaper, we need to try another route. Medicine can no longer be based on veterinary medicine. It is fraudulent and dangerous to apply data from one species to another. There are endless examples of the differences between humans and other animals. When animal research is abolished, essay against animal testing, the huge amount of the federal budget spent on it well over five billion dollars per year just for the National Institute of Health could be invested in the prevention and clinical research that really have possibilities to improve human health.

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These investigators stopped just before creating the vaccine that was used by the public. At that time nobody knew that the viruses present in the kidneys of monkeys cause cancer in humans. According to the against animal testing essay, the claim that the polio vaccine was developed through the use of animal research is misleading. In addition, the effect of vaccines is doubtful and there is ample evidence of their harmful effects. Many historians believe that the decline in polio, as in many other epidemics of the past, was due to factors such as better hygiene and not vaccination. Pietro Croce, M. In the mid-nineteenth century, a popular form of entertainment was the inhalation of ether. Long saw that after inhaling it, the individual seemed invulnerable to pain, and took advantage of this observation by inventing a practical use in surgery.

So the discovery of anesthesia, like many other discoveries, resulted from the critical observation of human beings. However, in Thomas Crawley had established the relationship between damage to the pancreas and diabetes through autopsies in diabetics. Later, Dr. Later, in , and thanks to this information, Frederick Banting created the first extract that contained insulin. Animal research has no effect in the fight against cancer. In line with against animal testing quotes, it is diverting resources from effective research and from the most obvious solution: prevention. Clinical observation and epidemiological studies show that the main causes of cancer are high-fat diets, tobacco, environmental pollution and other lifestyle factors. Irwin Bross, director of Roswell Park Memorial.

Animals are not good models of human cancer for several fundamental reasons. Animals and humans do not suffer from the same diseases. Animal research focuses on the artificial induction of human cancer symptoms to then try to cure those symptoms. Experimental drugs and treatments identified as effective in animal models will not necessarily work in humans. Moneim A. Having spent billions of dollars, countless animals, and more than thirty years in the war on cancer, we should have results if the animal research were valid. On the contrary, the incidence of cancer continues to rise.

The progress that has been made in the study of AIDS has come from clinical studies and in vitro studies of cell cultures. However, animal models are still used, even though animals do not develop the human virus. Obviously, to achieve medical progress, in line with against animal testing articles newspaper, we need to try another route. Medicine can no longer be based on veterinary medicine. It is fraudulent and dangerous to apply data from one species to another. There are endless examples of the differences between humans and other animals. When animal research is abolished, the huge amount of the federal budget spent on it well over five billion dollars per year just for the National Institute of Health could be invested in the prevention and clinical research that really have possibilities to improve human health.

Skip to content Against Animal Testing Essay. Native Essay Writers From USA. Against Animal Testing Essay. Just by incorporating different aspects of learning into […]. There is of course the huge ethical consequence that comes from testing on animals. Animals are different from humans everyone knows that. Animal abuse is referred to as an act of intentional mistreatment against animals and is inflicted by humans for reasons other than survival or self-defense. The topic of animal cruelty […]. Animal testing has been a severe problem that still has not been resolved. Animal testing should be stopped for the safety of animals and human, but since it cannot be, how can it be improved?

Many scientists rely on animal testing to collect data on safety and efficacy from experiments. They use animals to test […]. If you have ever taken any type of medicine or had a vaccine, you have benefited from animal testing: Research with animals led to vaccinations against smallpox, measles, mumps, and tetanus. Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm and suffering onto an animal. This can include neglect, animal fighting, and overt abuse. In the United States, an animal is abused every ten seconds. Animal protection organizations are working to stop animal cruelty everywhere. Many of these organizations believe in animal rights and animal welfare. The definition of animal cruelty varies from person to person and although it is talked about occasionally, many people tend to downplay the seriousness of it.

Animal abuse comes in many forms such as scientific research, abandonment, mistreatment, and so on. The experimentation and cruelty committed should be banned because animals share the same basic […]. The world has become very advanced through scientific discoveries in the past. New discoveries are made every day that help with diseases and technology. During the developments and discoveries in the scientific field, people find that the richest discoveries in health or medicine generally […]. As the years pass, more and more animals are being terrorized and are being used for testing. Animal testing is when they use animals to test out cosmetics, medicinal products, household cleaners, chemicals, etc Humane Society International. Now there […]. Background Information 2. An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting damage.

In animal experiments, animals would be injected or feed with probably harmful substances, exposed to radiation and […]. Imagine being locked up inside a small and cramped cage with nothing but a feces-filled water bowl that has not been changed for 5 days. Glancing around the room, you see many creatures are in pain. A mother has been forcefully torn from her newborn she is going insane as she looks desperately for her child, a cat is screaming in agony after it has been performed vivisection on. A garbage bin contains piles of animals rendered useless after vicious quantities of drug intake. You then notice a hand reaching out to grab hold and you wonder.

Is it over? Animal research is a controversial topic and has been a popular conversation among the public and in veterinary doctors. Animal testing is wrong and these innocent creatures should not go through this kind of suffering. In all respects, animal testing should be banned because it is inhumane, the test results are often not useful, and there are better alternatives for this issue. Every day, mice, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and primates are used. Animals are caught and captured from the wild, stuffed into little crates, and tested for any issues before being relocated. Furthermore, the experimental laboratories shall keep them for as long as they need.

This can sometimes mean animals are sentenced to death to serve and submit to these awful treatments. The testing they encounter involve injecting, force-feeding, shocking, dripping medications into their eyes and skin, inhaling toxins, embedding wires inside their brains, and repetitive surgeries. In addition, animals experience pain as humans do. The feeling of pain is something that can be felt internally and expressed through facial and actions it is a mental indication. They may jolt, shriek, whimper, or scream when they cry out in pain. Whenever they are physically abused, it can lead to neurotic related behavior that leaves them disabled.

Pacing around in circles, ripping their fur out, and biting themselves are only a couple of the things that could be carried out. Lastly, observations usually turn out as unreliable and dangerous. This is because both species have huge biological difference humans and animals have different responses to illnesses, substances and healing approaches. Not everyone needs new shades of lipstick when there are already so many shades available. Science is expanding and scientists are gradually finding new ways to improve the lifestyle of humans. Alternatives include cell manipulation, human tissue from donors, computer models, synthetic skin, and volunteer studies.

With that, animal testing should not be limiting the opportunity of opening up to more effective methods of analysis. There is always an option to approach a scenario differently. Then why is it taking so long for others to understand that animal testing is beyond cruel? If people were to imagine themselves in the shoes of these creatures, would they want to live every day in pain? Essentially, animals should be free of these torture devices and know that they have the right to be unconfined, not impersonated, killed, or carry trails out on. With that, stopping harsh treatments, rid of unnecessary testing, and have more options to animal testing.

Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Animal Testing should be Banned In the United States of America, many organizations are debating whether or not animal testing should be banned. Animal Testing: is it Ethical? Animal Testing in Medical and Cosmetic Research Every year there is less and less animal testing done in both medical and cosmetic research. Problems with Animal Testing: Inhumane Practices and Neglected Interests Abstract The Animal Welfare Act AWA , enacted in August , regulates the treatment and care of animals in research Murnaghan 4.

The Cruelty in Animal Testing Every year in the United States, it is estimated that tens of millions of animals are used for research and testing purposes Animal Experimentation Medical Animal Testing should be Banned Medical animal testing should be banned for there being other humane testing methods that exist. Cruelty to Animals and Animal Testing Animal cruelty can be defined in many ways: Being violent to animals in any way, failure to provide for animals, being neglectful to animals. New and Safe Treatments for Humanity Animal testing has long been a means to discover new and safe treatments for humanity. Many Products are Tested on Animal Many people may not realize this but most of the products that they are buy have been tested on animals; From makeup and shampoos to dish soaps and clothing.

The Controversy of Animal Testing Imagine a cute white little bunny. Using Animals for Medical Testing is both Ethical and Essential? Over One Hundred Million Animals a Year are Murdered for the Sake of Science Experimentations on animals do not just include dogs and cats, but animals like hamsters, monkeys, birds, and frogs PETA. Vaccine Development The conversation of animal testing has never been anything less than controversial. Animal Research for Human Benefit is Unnecessary Most people believe animal testing is essential to drug and vaccine research.

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