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Marriage essays

Marriage essays

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The way we view marriage today differs greatly from the past, marriage essays. Our views and opinions on marriage and its meaning have changed considerably, marriage essays. Marriage is not necessarily less valued, but just viewed differently, marriage essays. Traditionally, marriage has been looked upon as a primary purpose of founding and maintaining a home and family. Fifty years ago, the majority of women were marriage essays on their husbands to work and support them. Their role in life was to take care of the children, their husbands and maintain the home.

Procreation was part of the traditional marriage. This is quite evident in "Be Fruitful and Multiply". The wife was fully aware that when she got married, her role in life was to bear children, take care of her house and please her husband. Her life was based on procreation and there was a purpose to her marriage. The modern marriage is based on sexual compatibility, love and romance. If the sex goes bad or the romance dies, marriage essays, than the couple can walk away from that marriage. How do you work out whether you are sexually compatible? Well, of course, you try before you buy!

You make sure that you have a sufficient number of sexual partners to work out what you like and what you don't like, so that when Mr. or Ms. Right comes along, you will know he or she is the one for you as soon as you sleep with marriage essays or her. Gone are the days when a woman's virginity was saved until marriage essays wedding night and sex was something that happened only after marriage. In "The Moslem Wife", sex played a major role in Jack and Netta's marriage. Because they did not have any children, sex was like recreation. Marriage essays marriage was based on love marriage essays companionship. Netta was the breadwinner while Jack spent his time winning other women.

Even though this is considered a "modern marriage", there was still some tradition to it on the part of Netta. She was the dutiful and obedient wife, cleaning up aft Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 4. Next Page. More Essays:, marriage essays. APA MLA Chicago marriage. In MegaEssays, marriage essays. com, December 31, marriage essays, MegaEssays, "marriage.

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They were disrespected and treated like property. I will be answering several questions such as, what should marriage be? Should marriage be equal? What is power in a marriage? What are. Foundations for Strong Marriages After reading several articles it is clear that a good marriage is only as good as its foundation. In addition, a strong and satisfying marriage establishes a firm foundation. Therefore, marriages have highly levels of positivity, empathy, commitment, acceptance, love and respect. These are some of the characteristics that researchers have found to be common in successful marriages.

Marriage is the socially recognized union of two or more people. Selecting a marriage partner is very much a culturally defined process. The rules governing selection vary widely from society to society and are more often complex. How would you go about selecting a mate? Where would you begin? What criteria would you use? When we look around the world to see how other societies deal with these questions, it is clear that the ways of selecting a mate or a marriage partner has been changed from generation. the feudal marriage, morality, culture. Therefore the readers could understand more about the history back in antiquity China and the Chinese feudal system.

Marriage system in ancient China is under the feudal system. Polygamy, political institution of marriage is widespread social phenomenon. Have you all heard the song, "All you need is love? Is that a misconception? After being married for 14 years, I believe so. Author Gary Chapman states that what is the real meaning of love? He examines how we as individuals throw the term around so easily in our everyday lives. He explores how we can love anything from dessert to a favorite rock band. Is the true definition of love, being valued and respected in our marriages today? Marriage Marriage is the bond between two people of the opposite sex that have went in front of a minister and exchanged vows.

Marriage is different for every one, and I have been influenced a great deal by my parents. My parents have been married for the past 26 years and they will probably stay that way the rest of their lives. However marriage is not what it once was, today you have people getting into a marriage for other reasons than love and knowing that they can get out of the marriage. concerning conflict, household roles, communication, commitment, and enduring marriages. In some instances, the younger couple had seemingly new and underdeveloped concepts of communicating or expressing themselves, but has found effective marriage management styles nonetheless.

It is evident in some concepts that the older, more experienced couple have found personalized, effective ways of navigating their marriage in order to make it an overall more pleasurable experience. Each of these concepts. Marriage Marriage education can help to obtain a solid marriage. In addition, not only will it help with expectation but also navigating adjustment to marriage. The secret to maintain a healthy marriage is having strong communication skills, good conflict resolution, sexual relation, and strong relationship with in-laws and being financially stable. Specific Intervention Approaching marital problem in a healthy way can be challenging especially because stressors in marriage can come from several. Polygamy refer to the marriage of several or many. Polygamy is the form of marriage in which one man marries two or more women or one woman marries two or more men or a number of men many a number of women.

According to F. Polygamy, like other forms of marriage is highly regulated and normatively controlled. It is likely to be supported by the attitudes and values of both the sexes. Polygamy itself has many forms and variations. Polygamy is of three types: i Polygyny, ii Polyandry and iii Group marriage. Polygyny is a form of marriage in which a man has more than one. wife at a time. In other words it is a form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time. It is the prevalent form of marriage among the tribes, Polygyny also appears to be the privilege of the wealthy, in many African societies the rich usually have more than one wife. This type of marriage is found in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda.

In India, polygyny persisted from the Vedic times until Hindu Marriage Act, Now polygyny is visible among many tribes of India. Viewing polygyny cross-culturally, poiygynous families evidence specific organisational features:. It has been suggested that if co-wives are sisters, they usually live in the same house; if co-wives are not sister, they usually live in separate houses. It is believed that sibling can better tolerate, suppress and live with a situation of sexual rivalry than can non-siblings. Sororal polygyny is one in which all the wives are sisters. Non-sororal polygyny means the marriage of one man with many women who are not sisters.

When in any tribe or society male members are less in number and females are more, then this type of marriage takes place. To earn the livelihood male members migrate from one society to another. This way there is a decrease in the number of males than females and polygyny takes place. Hypergamy also gives rise to polygyny. Under this system the parents of lower castes or classes want to improve their social status by marrying their daughters in the higher caste or classes. Among the primitive people importance was given to make children than females. Thus man was free to have as many marriages as he liked on the ground to get male children.

Particularly the leaders of primitive society increased number of wives in order to prove their superiority. A single marriage was considered a sign of poverty. So where marriage is taken as sign of prestige and prosperity the custom of polygyny is natural. Where the people of the poor families were unable to find suitable husbands for their daughters they started marrying their daughters to rich married males. The desire for variety of sex relations is another cause of polygyny. The sexual instincts become dull by more familiarity.

It is stimulated by novelty. In uncivilized tribes men did not approach the women during the period of pregnancy and while she was feeding the child. Thus long period of enforced celibacy gave birth to second marriage. In uncivilized society more children were needed for agriculture, war and status recognition. Moreover, in some tribes the birth rate was low and death rate was high. In such tribes polygyny was followed to obtain more children. According to Manu, if wife is unable to have children, man is permitted to have more marriages.

He further says if a wife takes her husband then he should live with her one year and take another wife. Polygyny was permitted in the past if wife was incapable of forming religious duties in her periodic sickness because religion was given significant place in social life. Polygyny is found only in the patriarchal society where more importance is given to males and male member is the head of the family. In polygyny children enjoy better status. They are looked after well because there are many women in the family to care. In those societies where population is very less and birth rate is almost zero, for those societies polygyny is best suited, as it increases the population at faster rate. Instead of going for extra marital relations husband stays at home because his desire for variety of sex relations is fulfilled within polygyny.

Polygyny came into existence mainly because of inability of a wife to produce children. Polygyny provides continuity to the family tree. In absence of one wife other women in the family produce children. In this form of marriage women have very low status; they are regarded as an object of pleasure for their husbands. They generally do not have a right to take decisions about their welfare; they have to depend upon their husband for fulfillment of their basic needs. When several wives have to share one husband, there is bound to be jealousy among co-wives. Jealousy leads to inefficiency in their work. They are not able to socialize their children in a proper manner in such atmosphere.

Polygyny increases economic burden on the family because in many cases only husband is the bread winner and whole of the family is dependent on him. This type of marriage is harmful for developing society and poor nations because they have limited resources Further increase in population deteriorates progress and development of that society. Jealousy among mothers leads to property conflicts among children as a result property is divided and income per capita decreases. Polygyny does not promise congenial atmosphere for the proper growth and development of children. There is lack of affection among the members.

As such families have large number of members. They fail to provide proper attention to all of them. This gives rise to many immoral practices in the society. It is a form of marriage in which one woman has more than one husband at a given time. According to K. Kapadia, Polyandry is a form of union in which a woman has more than one husband at a time or in which brothers share a wife or wives in common. This type marriage is prevalent in few places such as tribes of Malaya and some tribes of India like Toda, Khasi and Kota etc. Polyandry is of two types:. In this form of polyandry one wife is regarded as the wife of all brothers. All the brothers in a family share the same woman as their wife. The children are treated as the offspring of the eldest brother, it is found in some Indian tribes like Toda and Khasis.

This type of marriage was popular in Ceylon Srilanka at present. In this type of polyandry one woman has more than one husband who is not brothers. They belong to different families. The wife cohabits with husbands in turn. In case of Fraternal Polyandry, the wife lives in the family of her husbands, while in case of non-fraternal polyandry, the wife continues to stay in the family of her mother. This type of polyandry is found among Nayars of Kerala. According to Westermark, when the number of women is lesser than the number of males in a society, polyandry is found. For example, among Todas of Nilgiri. But according to Brifficult, polyandry can exist even when the number of women is not lesser e.

in Tibet, Sikkim and Laddakh polyandry is found even though there is not much disparity in the number of men and women. In some tribal societies female infanticide is present; as a result these female population is less than male population. Further males do not enjoy good status. Therefore, one female is married to a group of brothers and polyandry exists. Polyandry exists in such areas where there is scarcity of natural resources. It is for this reason many men support one woman and her children. In societies where there is bridge price, polyandry exists. Brothers pay for one bride who becomes wife of all of them. To check the division of ancestral property polyandry is favoured. When all the brothers have one wife then the question of division of property does not arise.

Polyandry not only avoids division of property but it also increases production in agriculture. All the brothers work together because they have to support only one family. Thus production and income increases, further there is no expenditure with regard to labour because all the husbands contribute their share of work. Polyandry exists in some societies mainly because of customs and traditions of that particular society. Generally, polyandry is found in such areas which are situated far away from modern developed areas. It checks population growth because all the male members of the family share one wife. As a result population does not increase at that rapid rate, the way in which it occurs in polygyny Therefore, it limits the size of the family.

Polyandry helps to unhold the economic standard of the family. It strengthens the economic position of the family because all the members work for the improvement of the family. With large number of males working after the family affairs, other members of the family especially women and children feel quite secure. Greater security among the members develop sense of we-feeling among the members of the family. In polyandry family does not get divided. The property of the family is held jointly and thus it is kept intact. In polyandry one woman is wife of large number of husbands.

As a result she gets attention of all the members and thus enjoys a good status in the family. She feels quite secure because in the absence of one husband other males are there to fulfill her basic needs. When all the men have to share one woman, family quarrels and tensions are ought to be there. Husbands feel jealous of one another which adversely effect congenial atmosphere of the family. When children have large number of fathers they fail to select appropriate model for themselves. This adversely effects their personality configuration. It adversely effects health of a woman because she has to satisfy several husbands. It not only has negative effect on the physical health but also on mental health of the woman. According to biologists if the same woman cohabits with several men, it may lead to sterility, further lack of sex gratification give rise to extra-marital relationship of husbands.

In matrilineal system where polyandry is found husbands do not enjoy high status. They do not give their name to the children. In many tribes where polyandry exists husbands do not live permanently with their families. They are visiting husband who visit the family for a specific period. They do not get love and affection of their children because children feel unattached to their fathers. This form of marriage decreases population growth. In some tribal societies where polyandry continues to exist may get extinct after a gap of few years. Group marriage is that type of marriage in which a group of men marry a group of women.

Each man of male group is considered to be the husband of every woman of female group. Similarly, every woman is the wife of every man of male group. Pair bonded or Multilateral marriage are the substitute term for group marriages. This form of marriage is found among some tribes of New Guinea and Africa. In India group marriage is practised by the Toda Tribe of Nilgiri Hills. Except on an experimental basis it is an extremely rare occurrence and may never have existed as a viable form of marriage for any society in the world. The Oneida community of New York State has been frequently cited as an example of group marriage experiment.

It involved economic and sexual sharing based on spiritual and religious principles. Like most group marriage on record, its time span was limited. Rarely do they endure beyond one or two generations. In levirate the wife marries the brother of the dead husband. If a man dies, his wife marries the brother of her dead husband. But when she marries to the younger brother of the dead husband, it is called Junior Levirate. In Sororate the husband marries the sister of his wife. Sororate is again divided into two types namely restricted Sororate and simultaneous Sororate. Concubinage is a state of living together as husband and wife without being married.

It is. cohabitation with one or more women who are distinct from wife or wives. Concubinage is sometimes recognised by various societies as an accepted institution. A concubine has a lower social status than that of a wife. The children of a concubine enjoy a lower status in the society. You must be logged in to post a comment. Your Article Library Home Static Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Cookie Statement Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled. Related Articles: Forms of Marriage: Polyandry, Polygyny and Monogamy Hindu Marriage: Aims, Ideals and Types.

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