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Stanford application essays

Stanford application essays

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How to Write the Stanford University Essays

Stanford University was founded in by California Senator Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, in memory of their son Leland Jr. The exciting buzz of start-up opportunities and entrepreneurial spirit permeates student life on campus, with an impressive offering of excellent STEM and humanities majors. However, starting with the class ofthey have decided to stop releasing their admissions statistics. colleges and universities. Want free essay help? Get access to our expert guides and courses when you create your free CollegeVine account.

Want to learn what Stanford University will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Prompt 1: The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate — and us — know you better, stanford application essays. Prompt 3: Tell us about something that is meaningful to you and why. Before we dive into the specifics of how to answer each of these short prompts, remember that limiting your responses to only 50 words requires writing stanford application essays that are straightforward and direct.

Be honest with what you write, but also think critically about the different aspects of your personality you are highlighting with each answer. However, overanalyzing what you think the admissions officers want you to write misses the point of stanford application essays your stanford application essays. Want stanford application essays know your chances at Stanford? Calculate your chances for free right now. For this significant challenge question, you might decide to go with a traditional answer but still put a creative spin on it. Avoid picking an obscure or arbitrary topic that is not actually a significant challenge, stanford application essays, and stanford application essays watch out for writing about an issue in overly vague terms.

You could write about topics like gender parity, ageing populations, skills development, or global warming, but be careful since those topics have the potential to become trite depending on how you address them. Writing simply about the stanford application essays that the challenge exists is also less interesting than if you wrote something referencing momentum in terms of future change, stanford application essays, or possibly even past decline, stanford application essays. For example, in addressing a topic like pollution, you could talk about how your view is that you believe the greatest challenge will be spreading actionable awareness of the issue to overcome our current apathy, maybe with a brief suggestion on how that could be attained.

Doing so would make your answer stand out more than just speaking too generally. To give another example, if you talked about gender inequality, and suggested focusing on addressing the gender gap within STEM fields more specifically, you would be showing that you think proactively about trying to solve the issue without oversimplifying it. Writing about how you spent your last two summers should be pretty direct­­­ — anything you have been involved in is fair game, and showing a variety of interests is again advisable. For example, you could write out a list of stanford application essays disparate activities like:. You could also choose to hone in on just a couple of activities and give them each a bit more explanation instead of solely listing activities. For example:.

Family vacations always feel too long and too short. I melt in the SoCal summer heat, but returning home to cool breezy Washington brings hour retail work weeks, with interspersed respite at the local library. After just finishing SkillsUSA nationals, the challenge to engineer a new invention returns, energizing me, stanford application essays. This conveys some of the same ideas with a slightly more narrative structure. However, since many of your peers will likely employ the same strategy to identify their historical event, you should strive to select one that makes sense considering stanford application essays unique profile and current interests.

For example, if you want to indicate your interest in the techy Silicon Valley, you could write about witnessing the process Hewlett and Packard went through starting stanford application essays business from their garage because you loved tinkering through your own projects throughout high school. Or if you are interested in history or politics, this is a good place to easily select one of the thousands of moments to tie into your interest. For instance, you could write about the time when Washington rallied his troops and convinced them not to abandon the Continental Army late ineven when things looked just about as bleak as they could get.

I always had glow-in-the-dark stars above my bed and rocketship sheets. I would love to see the moon landing especially from the capsule to experience the awe of seeing a new world. This prompt gives you a little more space to discuss one of your most meaningful extracurriculars from your activities list. To pick an activity, think about the one that taught you the most, changed your perspective, or is most unique. Keep in mind that trying to write about multiple aspects of the activity will be difficult with only 50 words, and it can result in simply reiterating what will already be on your activities list. Pick just one aspect that was most important to you, and highlight that, stanford application essays. Feel free to be straightforward rather than artsy, as you have limited space.

People are interested in living more sustainably; they just need accessible education, stanford application essays. Events that could offer some interesting material to research and write about could include:. Again, as a reminder, remember to stay classy in your stanford application essays by not mentioning anything unsavory or illegal. Pick something that you are genuinely stoked about and make sure that authenticity comes through when you are writing, stanford application essays. Going for something more general than an event like looking forward to diversity in the dorms, a challenging curriculum, or research opportunities is okay too, but know that you will need to write it in a way that will stand out as they go through heaps of similarly-themed responses. Stanford application essays you approach this first longer prompt, think back on all the hours you spent during class, after school during activities, or at home studying.

Try to select an experience where you seriously felt that love of learning. Just writing about this idea or realization should make you feel like an extremely happy nerd you are applying to Nerd Nation after all! Whether you are someone who approaches standardized testing like it is a thrilling game, or someone who feels so excited after getting through a test that you poured countless hours into studying for, you can really highlight your own drive and intellect through this prompt. For example, you could write some sort of introduction about deciding to self-study for the AP Physics C tests, then add some analysis like:.

The relationship between position, stanford application essays, velocity, and acceleration through derivatives and integrals tied everything together in a way that made so much sense it gave me chills. After a few study sessions, I began to devour YouTube videos to prepare for the test, and each time I understood a new concept by learning it on my own, I felt more accomplished and intellectually independent. As I worked through practice problems stanford application essays self-corrected my way across old exams, I felt driven to stop excusing or dismissing my mistakes, and to instead pull them apart by analyzing exactly why I had made them to target and avoid them in the future. This experience improved the way I study and showed me the value of truly mastering knowledge on my own.

This response shows an authentic passion for learning without overloading on narrative. Another solid example that takes a more creative response could look something like this:. There I realized for the first time what can be found beyond textbook teachings. I saw the palpable pride the factory had in the heritage that they displayed, and the stunning beauty of a legacy and its centuries of refined knowledge. After that day, it was as if my consciousness had awoken. I resolved to begin creating my own legacy. I spent early morning hours in front of my piano daily, determined to make it my art — stanford application essays because my curiosity rewarded me with knowledge that expanded the depth and range of just how far I can strive in this world.

What, stanford application essays any, measures can be taken to end the conflicts in the Middle East? How can I further my legacy through striving to address these issues? And as always, stanford application essays, my quest for curiosity will serve to dually nourish and enlighten me, stanford application essays, expanding my world once more. This response from a Stanford student majoring in International Relations shows the admissions office a thirst for learning without ever just overtly stating it, especially with tying in the childhood anecdote as an excellent hook. As with stanford application essays college essays, do not forget that the emphasis is on teaching the admissions officers something about you and why the idea or experience made you so excited; avoid spending too much time explaining the logistics or trying to use excessively flowery language.

The point of this essay is to invoke the casual nature of roommate relationships and invite students to take a more relaxed approach to writing about themselves. Stanford is looking for an extremely authentic word portrayal of your character that could distinctly identify you from a crowd of essays, stanford application essays. If you got to meet your admissions officer in person, stanford application essays, and only had 60 seconds to pitch yourself without using anything from your activities or awards, what would you say first? If you were legitimately writing a letter to your roommate at Stanford, what would you want them to know about the prospect of living with you? If you imagine how your Stanford alumni interview might play out, what topics do you hope to steer towards?

If you do have a more serious answer, you can style the essay like a very formal letter or like a traditional paragraph short essay without any of the letter gimmicks at all to stand out syntactically. This prompt can arguably be one of the most entertaining to write and read of all college supplemental essays because of the opportunity to present the admissions office with an amalgamation of weird topics. A previous CollegeVine guide encouraged students to explore their quirky side with this prompt by writing about unique hobbies or interesting personality oddities. It also advises staying away from things like politics i.

I am ridiculously stoked to meet you! Remember that this essay should be fun! Since it is usually hard to come up with good material about your own diverse personality while staring at a blank computer screen, try keeping a note on your phone and adding to it gradually as you think of things throughout the day. Think about what you enjoy and jot down notes like:. I love Sandra Bullock movies. I wish I could stop biting my nails, and sometimes I do, but only until I take a test or watch a freaky movie. Before I go to bed, I like to watch clips from Ellen or Jimmy Fallon because I think it gives me funny dreams.

I love chicken. I sleep like a rock and unfortunately, that means I need an incredibly loud alarm clock, but I also will never be bothered by late night noise, etc. You can see by how long this section got just how easy it can stanford application essays to talk about yourself once you get started…. Try to intersperse some facts that relate to activities you could do together or things that would be important for an actual roommate to know to stay true to the prompt. Juxtaposing random facts might not be the way to go if you feel they are redundant with your short answers or too all over the place for you. Here is another example that shows a ton of personality and utilizes a list format:. First off, I am so pumped to live with you. Also, I just wanted you to know…, stanford application essays.

While this is just one essay and remember that there are many, many directions you can choose to take your own essaystanford application essays, you can see from this example that showcasing a variety of passions can highlight how multifaceted and genuinely interesting you are. A year from now, you might find yourself cracking up over how weird you sound while exchanging what you wrote with your actual roomie to procrastinate working on your p-sets or essays. We know we did! In this prompt, Stanford asks applicants to directly address what is most important to themselves. Good applicants should show in their essays that they can write well and that they are intelligent with diverse interests and skills.

This prompt also leaves the door wide open for particularly interesting responses.

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With constant use, it becomes part of you. I look forward to sharing a room and a brand new experience altogether as college freshmen! If there is one thing that you should know about me, it is that although my personality is splotched with hundreds of shades, akin to a Jackson Pollock painting, you can most certain In AP Statistics, I often utilized the Least Squares method to find correlations between two data sets. First, I would generate a curve that minimized the residuals: the differences between corresponding values of the two sets.

My middle name is "Reddy. I'm assuming you don't know about South-Indian middle names so here's what you should know: "Reddy" is the name of a caste in India thought to have consisted of warriors who later became lords and aristocracy. This caste became pa There were few dull minds in San Jose the spring of Around teens from around the world streamed into the heart of Silicon Valley for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair; for me, it was an unforgettable first glimpse of the talent and imagination of my global peers. Yet eve Key Club is not simply another community service organization, it is my high school family. Key Club spurs excitement within me as it represents a tolerant organization that brings positive change through community service events and fundraisers.

My commitment to Key Club increased as I gained the p In addition to volunteering at the San Lorenzo Valley Museum, I often visited my grand Society, and the world, would be greatly improved with greater tolerance. My Dad fought leukemia all throughout In his struggle for survival, I found a means to work harder in my academic studies as a means to please him. I had disappointed him in my middle school years before, and This is ironic though, because I also have a great desire to stay up and really venture into the late night. Late night, when one resides in barren quiet and introspective analysis, is often My grandmother was born and raised in Nigeria.

Eunice Iwuchukwu was an old soul, who used to preach the word of God. My grandma had lived with my aunt, but moved in with my mom to assist with my care. Since I rarely saw my mother, or my father, or really any of my family, I had no one to teach me th It's one of those riddles a kindergartner knows they can sincerely answer and adults think they can logically answer. I, however, am a teenager, stuck awkwardly between that simplicity and heightened logic, and my dilemma is evident: is it my actions or feelings that really mat Looks like we both made it. I hail from the burbs of Chicago, and, yes, it snows all the way to your nose, and blackens your toes, but in the Windy City Websites: The Onion, Food Gawker, Washington Post, Forbes Magazines: TIME, The Economist, Popular Scienc The modern teenager craves information.

Information is an inebriant, and smart phones are the bottle in which it is stored. Without a comfortable flow of status updates an All the juniors before me told me to take AP English Language simply because it improved their writing tremendously. But the individuals before me never told me about the intellectual growth that comes from the English language. My English teacher, Elizabeth Ward, encouraged us to think analytically Rather than a single idea or experience, an entire series has been key to my intellectual development. Manifesting itself as a pointy-eared, green tunic-clad, tunic-wearing, Master Sword wielding hero on a quest to overthrow a treacherous warlord, sorcerer, or other malcontent and rescue the princes By all accounts, I have lived a blessed life.

I am forever appreciative for this and have striven to make the most of the o I came out to my best friend as bisexual the summer before ninth grade. Unlike the countless "coming out" YouTube videos I had watched to prepare myself, I don't really remember the sigh of relief or heart fuzzies of acceptance when she said that it was fine. All I can remember is the By allowing myself to realize a greater connection to the rest of humanity, in the respect that health is a major essence of the human experience, as well as excavating deeper into my own interests, my experience interning in Dr. October 29th, I am alone. I am tired. I am at a Snoop Dogg concert. The drumbeat rattling my teeth is nearly overpowered by my deafening crash onto rock bottom.

The school year cut me to pieces. I was a sophomore — a year notorious for being easier than the rest at my I can sit there and stare at it for hours - sometimes watching, not watching others. To the open-minded, it is classically pic One thing that bears great importance to me is that those who cannot otherwise provide safety and security for themselves are given the appropriate help. To me, this matter manifested itself in the form of animals. Q: Does it have to be centered around just one meaningful activity? Be careful not to lose depth or end up listing too much. A: Many students have been involved in internships, summer programs, etc. that they would like to highlight somewhere in their application. It can be difficult controlling how much background you give to explain the program since you really need the word count for connecting why it was meaningful.

If you are still really stuck on determining what matters to you, try thinking about the sentiment that what you spend your time on is what you love. But if, for example, you realize that you spend a lot of time organizing your room, you could write an essay about how order is meaningful to you, and how the neatly lined pencils in your drawer help you feel balanced as you thoughtfully color code your schedule for the week. This essay can easily then become a metaphor for balancing your time between school, family, work, friends, or clubs, being careful to stay on top of keeping them separate and orderly like the pencils in your desk, etc.

Creating a conceit here can prove effective if it still highlights important aspects of an underlying message. Why is this? Most students applying to Stanford will have stellar academics and extracurriculars. Your essays are your chance to stand out and humanize your application. After reading your essays over and over, it can be difficult to judge your writing objectively. Your friends, family, and teachers may also be biased. We highly recommend giving this tool a try! If you create incentives for yourself to work on your Stanford University essays early and choose topics that you genuinely care about, then you will end up devoting much more time to them, resulting in more polished essays. Since Stanford admissions are so extremely selective, it places a good deal of pressure on both the content and execution of all 11 essays.

Good luck! Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. How to Write the Stanford University Essays. You could write about looking forward to developing genuine new relationships with friends in your dorm so that you can all roll out to weird events like this together to get a break from the school stress. For example, if you are someone who has test anxiety or can occasionally feel a little timid, you could write about looking forward to letting loose with fun traditions like the primal scream while still keeping up with the grind. Feeling awkward at Gaieties Since Stanford students know they are a little weird, they put on a play each year called Gaieties aimed solely at making fun of themselves.

See the theme of random fun events to take a break from procrastinating homework? If you have been involved in theater or choir at all in high school, you should seriously consider trying out, which could be a natural way to answer this prompt while tying in something personal too. Dying in the circle of death or just hiking the dish The circle of death is the most trafficked roundabout on campus right next to the main quad. You could write about how you are looking forward to making your bike your new best friend despite the inevitability of wiping out in the circle of death it happens to literally everyone.

Taking a Freshman Introductory Seminar This is the token academic suggestion. They take you to the Redwood City movie theater. They bring you Tom Hanks to perform. They bring carnivals. They take you to the Broadway Lion King musical. They take you to theme parks or the SF ballet. Going to Frost Music lovers could easily write about looking forward to the awesome opportunity to see a free concert every year in Frost amphitheater. The past several years have featured Chance the Rapper and Zedd. Writing about joining groups like the club that runs Frost could demonstrate that you plan to keep showing initiative in college by joining new student activities. It may be hard to write a full essay on looking forward to this, but it could be something fun to mention if you are writing about a general theme of looking forward to the exciting and playful atmosphere.

Braving Secret Snowflake This tradition is also considerably strange, but if you can picture a whole dorm playing secret santa, but with dares instead of gifts, with three levels of extremity, you can see how it might get insane. You could write about looking forward to exploring your creative side at Stanford through everything from taking art studio classes to designing crafty secret snowflake feats. Think about what you enjoy and jot down notes like: I love Sandra Bullock movies. You can see by how long this section got just how easy it can be to talk about yourself once you get started… Try to intersperse some facts that relate to activities you could do together or things that would be important for an actual roommate to know to stay true to the prompt.

Is Your Stanford Essay Strong Enough? Final Tips If you create incentives for yourself to work on your Stanford University essays early and choose topics that you genuinely care about, then you will end up devoting much more time to them, resulting in more polished essays. Going to Full Moon on The Quad. Performing the primal scream. Feeling awkward at Gaieties. Since Stanford students know they are a little weird, they put on a play each year called Gaieties aimed solely at making fun of themselves. Dying in the circle of death or just hiking the dish. The circle of death is the most trafficked roundabout on campus right next to the main quad.

Wishing you were as cool as the SIMPS. Taking a Freshman Introductory Seminar. This is the token academic suggestion. Going to all the Cardinal Nights programs. You could write about looking forward to coercing your friends to go to all of the Cardinal Nights events with you! Going to Frost. Music lovers could easily write about looking forward to the awesome opportunity to see a free concert every year in Frost amphitheater. All this time colleges have been asking you to write in a casual but professional voice — until now. Open your browser window and actually draft in a new message box if it helps you adjust your voice.

You are now writing to your peer, not admissions. What might someone you are about to live with want to know about you? And, more importantly, what quirky personal information do you want to convey to admissions that might not be appropriate to reveal in response to a stuffier prompt? Are you a closet botanist who will be bringing 30 plants to your dorm room? It is also a great opportunity for you to showcase what it would be like to be friends with you without the use of emojis and with the addition of perfect grammar. It does come at the end of the application, however, which will help you narrow down the subjects that are not up for contention — namely, anything you have written about already. Consider options across a wide spectrum. Which people are important to you?

Which memories? Which objects? Which experiences? What general concepts? Do your white river rapids excursions with your family fill your life with excitement and joy? Does volunteering at the local soup kitchen infuse your life with love and gratitude? Does your religion dictate the way you live your life and make decisions? Fifty words is not a lot of words. This is going to be a recurring thought as you begin to tackle the Stanford app. You boil it down to its essence and rely on the topic to speak volumes. Think about what nags at you on a daily basis. How would you like to improve the world? Where might we be going down the wrong path? What you choose to write about will give admissions an idea of what you truly care about and how you see the world.

Are you concerned that as a species we will never achieve true gender equality? Does climate change keep you up at night? What activities have you participated in or books have you read to educate yourself about this issue? Maybe you even have a solution to offer up. Show admissions that you can turn passion into action. For this response, that means you will likely have to add and prune, add again and prune again.

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