Thursday, February 10, 2022

Tree plantation essay

Tree plantation essay

Moreover, tree plantation essay beautification of the landscape also results in higher property rates, thereby benefitting the economy and the people. Again, fire, by burning things composed of carbon, is producing carbon-di-oxide and emitting it into the air, tree plantation essay. They are the gold of our beauty queen nature. They provide us with food, wood, fresh air and they also provide shelter to animals and birds. Blooms are eaten by monkeys, and nectar is a most loved of winged creatures, bats and numerous creepy animals. We all know the importance of trees and plants for our survival and welfare. How to Take a Screenshot in Xiaomi Mi Mix 2: Capture SS September 21,

Tree Plantation Essay

Essay on importance of tree plantation! Contents List of Essays on Importance of Tree Plantation Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation — Short Essay for Children Essay 1 — Words Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 2 — Words Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation — Role of Trees, Impact of Cutting Trees and Sensitizing People Essay 3 — Words Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation — For School Students Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation — Written in English Essay 5 — Words Essay on the Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 6 — Words Essay on the Importance of Tree Plantation — For College and University Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on the Importance of Tree Plantation — Long Essay Essay 8 — Words.

These essays will also guide you to learn about the role of trees, impact of cutting trees, sensitizing people about tree plantation, significance of tree plantation, measures taken by Indian government and contribution of NGO in tree plantation. The importance of tree plantation is quite significant, tree plantation essay, as it is associated with our basic need for good food to eat and fresh air to breathe. Apart from these basic necessities, they maintain biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, control climate etc.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for children, school students Class 3, 4, 5, tree plantation essay, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard and college students. Importance of tree plantation is insisted upon right from our school days because planting trees is not only good for us but for the entire universe. Trees inhale Carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale Oxygen which is needed for human beings to survive. Today many schools, colleges and even business organizations are allocating few days of the year exclusively for planting trees. This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation. Even politicians and celebrities plant saplings and act as a role model tree plantation essay the future generation.

It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of tree plantation and start contributing for a greener planet. Importance of tree plantation should be discussed to save our earth from destruction and the lives surviving on it. In this growing industrial and technological era, pollution has become a major tree plantation essay. Many animals and birds are facing the threat of extinction due to the lack of their natural habitat. Green trees and plants are life savers as they inhale all the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and exhale oxygen when they prepare their food using photosynthesis. This process has actually kept the balance of different gas compositions in our atmosphere so that nothing will exceed its natural rate, tree plantation essay.

Increased use of technologies and combustion fuels have considerably increased the carbon content of our surrounding air. But the lack of green trees, who absorbs such carbon gas has caused a massive problem of increased carbon rate in the air. This increase has tree plantation essay negatively affected the oxygen rate we breathe that is exhaled by the tree as well. Trees and forest are the home for many bird and animal species, and cutting down them means, their habitat is being destroyed. Tree plantation essay birds have already been extinct due to the same reason and animals too. By planting more trees and building new forests we are saving many species that are dependent on such lifestyles that include tree as a home and their fruits, leaves, etc.

This will maintain the biodiversity in our world and the harmony of life. Cutting down trees for unavoidable reasons should be compensated by planting more ones in suitable places and taking care of them. There is a significant importance of tree plantation as the number of trees on the earth is declining at a very rapid rate. We all know the tree plantation essay of trees and plants for our survival and welfare. The plants and trees play a very vital role in sustaining life and ecosystem on earth and, therefore, the importance of tree plantation must be understood. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the life-giving oxygen.

Plants and trees also provide food, fuel, wood, flowers and many other important items. They are also natural source of food and tree plantation essay for birds and wildlife and play a significant role in ecosystem. Trees also absorb other harmful gases from the atmosphere, thus, tree plantation essay, making the air pure and fresh. The growing demand of wood, rubber and various products obtained from trees and plants, is leading to cutting of more and more trees. Also more land is required for buildings, tree plantation essay, roads, and industries, which in turn reduces the agriculture or forest land and cutting of trees. While this cannot be avoided for tree plantation essay and progress, however, by understanding the importance of tree plantation, the loss of trees must be replenished by tree plantation.

The importance of tree plantation must be understood by all as cutting of trees affects our lives drastically. The cutting of trees is increasing the cost of tree based products and depriving birds and animals of their food and habitat, and impacting ecosystem. Trees also help in perpetuating the water cycle by returning water vapour to the atmosphere. Cutting of trees is creating imbalance resulting in increase in pollution, global warming and erratic rains. Everyone should be sensitized about trees and made aware of the importance of tree plantation and shall be motivated to plant and protect the trees. Tree plantation is important as they provide fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts etc.

Placed at the bottom of the food chain, they are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive. Apart from this basic need, the importance of tree plantation holds good for human beings to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel etc. Trees provide with clean air for living beings to respire and produce energy. For a healthy life, tree plantation essay, free from suffocation and pollution, the importance of tree plantation cannot be underestimated, especially in urban areas.

Importance of tree plantation is tremendous to maintain the biodiversity and balance the ecosystem. Trees provide a natural habitat for a variety of species. A tree plantation essay biodiversity and healthy ecosystem revitalizes the land and life on planet earth. Trees give out water during photosynthesis, which contributes to the formation of rain clouds. Moreover, they also maintain the water table beneath the earth, by receiving and holding the rainwater. Therefore, the importance of tree plantation in living areas is significant, as they prevent drinking water from reaching the sea quickly. Trees are also known to hold the soil and prevent erosion. During rain and flood, tree plantation essay, the top soil of the earth tend to be washed away by water.

The roots of the trees play an important part in holding the top soil from erosion. So, in areas known for landslides, the importance of tree plantation is quite relevant. Since trees inhale Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, tree plantation essay, tree plantation is the best organic method that tree plantation essay be efficiently applied to reverse global warming and prevent climate change, tree plantation essay. In the recent days, especially after the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, importance of tree plantation has gained significant ground in many countries. Since human beings have excessively exploited trees in the last two centuries after lifestyle inventions, tree plantation essay, the importance of tree plantation has become top priority in the present time.

Tree plantation helps to sustain nature and maintain the dignity of human life on earth, tree plantation essay. The importance of tree plantation must never be overlooked. Tree plantation has now become a necessity these days tree plantation essay the exponential growth rate of pollution in our environment. The process of tree plantation has to do with the transplanting of the seedlings of trees to spread the green scenery around and grow forests. There are a lot of reasons why engaging in tree plantation tree plantation essay very tree plantation essay for our environment, tree plantation essay. There are a lot of benefits that tree plantation brings to our environment and mankind, tree plantation essay. We should endeavour to do our best individually and collectively to ensure we maintain our environment and also keeping the planet healthy knowing that just a little effort from us can go a long way in achieving this.

Tree plantation has a lot of benefits and a few of them will be discussed here just to remind us of how important tree plantation is:. Trees are very important raw materials that can be used in the production of a variety of goods. We can get rubber, wood and so many more form trees that can be turned utensils, furniture, decorative items, paper and almost tree plantation essay. Wood from trees is also a major element in the construction of houses and other structures. Trees produce fruits that can be consumed directly or processed into different foods. A lot of the goods that are produced from trees help to build the local economy and serve as a means of export thus, boosting the economy as a whole.

Trees are a home to birds and a host of other animals. Animals that have trees as their habitat include tree frog, tree kangaroo, flying lemur, spider monkey, koala and the python of the green tree. All of these animals live around or on the trees and their food are gotten from the trees, tree plantation essay. The leaves of the trees and the fruits of the trees are some of the parts of the trees that the animals eat. There some other wild animals that have the forests a group of trees as their own habitat. Deforestation and the constant cutting down of trees has made quite a number of these wild animals extinct while some others are very close to extinction. If trees are not there for these animals to thrive, they would surely die.

Tree plantation has a big role to place in helping these animals which is importance for the tree plantation essay of biodiversity in our environment. Therefore, Biodiversity is very important for the maintenance of the balance of ecology in our environment, tree plantation essay. Tree plantation goes a long way tree plantation essay the battling of deforestation. Due to urbanisation and modernisation, the amount of trees that we cut down is not commensurate with the amount of trees that we plant. We need to plant more trees to ensure that our forests are not totally deforested.

The fresh air we breathe, the beauty of nature that we enjoy shows us the importance of tree plantation. During photosynthesis, trees generate enough oxygen that helps both humans and animals to survive. They provide us with food, wood, tree plantation essay, fresh air and they also provide shelter to animals and birds. As a result, our basic needs are fulfilled by the trees and we are totally dependent on them and this dependence helps us realize the importance of tree plantation. As tree plantation essay have more trees, we will rich to fulfill our needs. Another role of trees in our eco-system is that tree plantation essay trees work like a filter in our eco-system. They absorb harmful gases produced by the activities humans, cause rainfall and maintains our nature.

Our ecosystem is functioning well due to trees only. Trees do this by cooling the environment through their leaves, absorbing sunlight and cooling our atmosphere and also saving us from the heavy air blow or storms. Trees lower the temperature by regulating the intensity of the heat through absorbing carbon dioxide and keeping the environment cool by releasing water vapor to our environment. Planting of trees saves water and brings rainfall. There are much more reasons that makes us realize the importance of tree plantation and also thousands of reasons about how can we recover our environment through tree plantation. Tree plantation is the only way through which we can recover from our mistakes which have been done by deforestation, tree plantation essay.

And, it also fulfills our basic needs and making Earth a better place to live. People around the world are now aware about this and understanding about what they have lost and how to get them back again through tree plantation. It is the only tree plantation essay way to make the Earth green like before and save our earth from the upcoming natural disasters.

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Stephen Girard says :. However, June-July is the proper time for planting trees. During this period, massive tree plantation programme has to be taken up both by the government and conscious citizens at large. Students, political, social and cultural organizations have to be involved in this program. Every countryman has to abide by the slogan …. Again, illiterate people of the villages have to be made aware of the utility and importance of trees and forests. There is no room for doubt that trees are our best friends and their utility is innumerable.

So, We should not only plant more trees but also protect the existing ones to save our country from the scaring aftermaths of deforestation or Green House Efect. Media can also play a vital role to improve the condition by creating mass-awareness and by enthusing the people to plant more and more trees. In fact, we all should engage ourselves in tree plantation program so that the flora and fauna of nature may survive in an eco-friendly atmosphere. We also feel like saying with the poet being surprised by the utility of the trees:. Tree Plantation Composition : Since the dawn of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with nature. Nature helps us in many ways. Similarly, trees are closely related to our life.

They are our friends. Tree plays an important role in our life and economy. Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. The upper levels of this region are the best places for the tree plantation. There are many roads and highways in our country. We can plant trees on both sides of these roads and highways. Again in the villages, there are many proper places that can be used for tree plantation. We can use the sides and areas that are lying unused for tree plantation. The best time for tree plantation is June and July months. The tree plantation program should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. The officers connected with tree plantation programs should take proper steps and needful measures. Thus they can make every program successful.

They should also try to make these programs popular all over the country. For the betterment, they should use their best knowledge. Most of the people in our village are illiterate. They have no knowledge about the importance of trees. Attempts should be made to make them aware of the importance of trees. Tree are our best friends. There are various kinds of fruit trees. They meet up with our necessary local demands. Again they meet up the vitamin deficiency that is important for us. So, people can keep their body fit and sound by taking numerous fruits. They are our constant companies in our whole life. We use them for various purposes.

We can not think of our homes, houses and many other necessary things without trees. Besides we use trees to make household thinks such as furniture, windows, doors for our domestic use. Besides, many valuable furniture is made from these trees. Moreover, we sell some pieces of valuable furniture to foreign countries. Thus the tree adds beauty to our dwelling places. Trees bear a great impact on the climate too. If we destroy trees randomly, one day the country will turn into a dessert. As a result, the country will bear the consequences of the greenhouse effect. Besides, there will be no rain. As a result, the whole country will face a great crisis. Because ours is an agricultural country.

The economy of our country depends on agriculture. Again our agriculture is dependent on rain. So trees play a vital role in our climate. Trees keep the soil strong. Thus trees save us from devastating floods and many other natural calamities. So the importance of trees cannot be described in words. They are part and parcel in our day to day life. We can not think of our existence without them. We should not use and destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees more and for a better happier and healthier life.

Importance of Trees in Our Daily Life Essay : Trees are our first friends both for our soul and sole existence. We cannot live anyhow beyond five minutes without taking oxygen that trees give off taking in carbon-dioxide. Trees, therefore, preserve our physical subsistence first. Then trees are playing a vital role in nature. These are protecting severe greenhouse effects. Besides, they protect the unbridled erosion of soil. They are also fighting as massive prevention against various natural disasters and disorders maintaining an interrelation among components of nature. We eat to live for which we need food and trees are the containers of food of various species. Lots of edifice buildings of the world are the direct contributor to trees. Trees always function in our constitution sphere.

All these contributions of trees are the bodily ones. Tree obviously controls our mental hemisphere no doubt. They are the gold of our beauty queen nature. Various sorts of flowers of each and every season are giving manifold shapes of our nature. Again, various festivals are being well accomplished in an appealing and colorful environment for the usual presence of a fragrant and colorful flower. In the ocular world, we are using many things majority of which directly or indirectly are linked with trees. From those medicinal qualities are needless to note here. They are the fathers of herbal chemistry. So, trees are constantly influencing our daily life. In a broader sense, one can say in fine that from cradle to grave or bunting ghat trees are the greatest functionaries in his daily life.

To sum up, trees are saving us from different natural maladies. Write an essay or composition on the importance of planting more trees or the necessity of tree plantation. The necessity of tree plantation Essay : From the beginning of civilization, man has a close relation with nature. Trees are an indispensable part of nature. They are the gifts of nature. But for the development of human civilization, these valuable assets are damaged day by day. By these lines, he tries to tell us about the importance of trees. So, tree plantation is very important for our life and economy. The people of our country cut down trees at random. So, the country is losing its trees. If this process continues, she will turn into a desert. It is a perfect time that we plant trees to protect our environment. To protect our environment, we should plant more and more trees.

Government order may be passed in order to make the people interested in planting trees. They should be made aware that our economy is dependent on trees. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees continuously, one day the country will turn into a desert. As a result, our country will bear the Green House Effect. Hence the country will face a great crisis. The economy of our country is dependent on agriculture. There is no double that our agriculture depends on rain. So trees play an important role in our climate. They keep the soil strong. Trees save us from serious floods and also from many other natural calamities. There is a model for afforestation in our country.

This will generate their interest in this field and encourage them to make an effort in this direction. Besides, if each student from each school and college in the country takes part in tree plantation campaign every month, we will be growing so many trees. We must plant more and more trees and also encourage those around us to do so. It is best to join a nearby NGO working for this cause to work efficiently in this direction. Tree Plantation offers numerous benefits to the mankind and we all are well aware about these.

We also know that a little effort made by each one of us can make a huge difference to the overall environment on Earth. We are dependent upon trees for the production of various goods. Trees provide raw material such as wood, rubber, etc that is turned into furniture, utensils, papers, decorative items and what not. It is also used in building houses. Trees also bear fruits that are raw or are processed and used in manufacturing jams, jellies, juices, sauces and what not. Many of the items produced with the raw material extracted by trees are exported to other countries to boast businesses and the overall economy of the country.

So, the greater number of trees we plant the greater number of such goods we can produce. Trees serve as a habitat for birds as well as a number of animals. Some of these animals include tree kangaroo, tree frog, spider monkey, flying lemur, green tree python and koala. They live on and around the trees and also get food from them. Some of these relish the fruits they bear while others love having the green leaves they are full of. Besides, forests are a natural habitat for the wild animals. This is where they dwell.

Deforestation has led to the extinction of various species of birds and animals. Many others are on the verge of extinction. It is natural for the animals and birds to die if we snatch their sources of food and ruin their places of habitat. Tree plantation can help them survive and live peacefully. It is thus important for maintaining biodiversity in the environment. Biodiversity is extremely essential for maintaining the ecological balance in the environment. While we must stop deforestation and save trees however with the growing demand of wood, rubber and various products made from trees it can only be restricted to some extent. We cannot avoid it completely. Besides the high demand of goods, the need for urbanisation has also increased.

Forests are being cut to construct residential areas in the cities to accommodate more and more people here. The land is also being used to set up industries. In this age of growing technology, this is the need of the hour. While we cannot avoid all this however we can replenish the loss by way of tree plantation. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to plant trees to make the city green. We must also work for this cause. We all know how important trees and plants are for our survival and well being. But how many of us are actually involved in planting tree regularly? If you are not doing it, it is time you must take this up seriously and put in whatever little efforts you can to improve the environment.

Tree plantation is basically the procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting them elsewhere for different purposes. The reason behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. Each of these purposes of tree plantation is important for its own unique reason. One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. A major part of our planet is covered with forests. However, these are being cut at a rapid pace ever since the beginning of the industrial era. Although forests grow naturally however in order to replenish the loss occurring due to deforestation it is essential for us to contribute our bit towards growing forests.

Tree plantation is done for this purpose. With the help of tree plantation, forests can be grown faster. Tree plantation is also done for landscaping purpose. The urban areas these days are mostly devoid of trees and plants. Landscaping of such areas is done to make these places worth living as well as to render a feel good factor to them. Tree plantation is the best and easiest way to beautify the surroundings. These are often planted on the roadside, in societies, in the parks as well as other places in the town for the purpose of landscaping. This does not only make the place look beautiful but also helps in beating the heat and offers various other benefits. Tree plantation is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spread greenery.

People around the globe have volunteered to contribute towards the environment from time to time. Many of them have set up non-profit organizations with joint efforts and are working towards making earth a better place to live. These organizations do not only indulge in tree plantation activities and other activities to spread greenery but also engage in motivating others to work for this cause. They organize skits explaining the importance of tree plantation and propagate the same among their neighbours, friends and colleagues. With the advent of social media and internet it has become easier to spread knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and encourage people to participate in the same.

While the NGOs are doing their bit towards making the environment cleaner and green, they often fall short. The propagation of their cause must be done on wide scale in order to involve more and more people to work towards this drive. Since these are all non-profit organizations, they do not have enough funds to do so. The government must support them whole heartedly to further their cause. After all, these organizations are working towards building a better nation. With the financial help provided by the government, these organizations can take up bigger projects and encourage other people by way of advertisements in television, newspapers as well as big roadside hoardings.

People must be sensitized about it so that they participate in large numbers. A big change in this direction is only possible if each one of us takes it as a responsibility to plant trees. Even if we do not have time to join an NGO and go with them on the drives regularly, we can make our contribution towards the cause by simply planting trees in our surrounding areas. It is time people must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute towards the same. The government must take this issue seriously and work towards involving more and more people to further the cause.

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